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Cv2 Methods

The Cv2 type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAbs(Mat)
Computes absolute value of each matrix element
Public methodStatic memberAbs(MatExpr)
Computes absolute value of each matrix element
Public methodStatic memberAbsdiff
Calculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays or between an array and a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberAccumulate
Adds an image to the accumulator.
Public methodStatic memberAccumulateProduct
Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator.
Public methodStatic memberAccumulateSquare
Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator.
Public methodStatic memberAccumulateWeighted
Updates a running average.
Public methodStatic memberAdaptiveThreshold
Applies an adaptive threshold to an array.
Public methodStatic memberAdd
Computes the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberAddWeighted
computes weighted sum of two arrays (dst = alpha*src1 + beta*src2 + gamma)
Public methodStatic memberAGAST
Detects corners using the AGAST algorithm
Public methodStatic memberAlignSize
Aligns buffer size by the certain number of bytes This small inline function aligns a buffer size by the certian number of bytes by enlarging it.
Public methodStatic memberApplyColorMap
Applies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given image.
Public methodStatic memberApproxPolyDP(IEnumerablePoint, Double, Boolean)
Approximates contour or a curve using Douglas-Peucker algorithm
Public methodStatic memberApproxPolyDP(IEnumerablePoint2f, Double, Boolean)
Approximates contour or a curve using Douglas-Peucker algorithm
Public methodStatic memberApproxPolyDP(InputArray, OutputArray, Double, Boolean)
Approximates contour or a curve using Douglas-Peucker algorithm
Public methodStatic memberArcLength(InputArray, Boolean)
Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length.
Public methodStatic memberArcLength(IEnumerablePoint, Boolean)
Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length.
Public methodStatic memberArcLength(IEnumerablePoint2f, Boolean)
Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length.
Public methodStatic memberArrowedLine
Draws a arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one. The function arrowedLine draws an arrow between pt1 and pt2 points in the image. See also cv::line.
Public methodStatic memberBatchDistance
naive nearest neighbor finder
Public methodStatic memberBilateralFilter
Applies bilateral filter to the image
Public methodStatic memberBitwiseAnd
computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2)
Public methodStatic memberBitwiseNot
inverts each bit of array (dst = ~src)
Public methodStatic memberBitwiseOr
computes bitwise disjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 | src2)
Public methodStatic memberBitwiseXor
computes bitwise exclusive-or of the two arrays (dst = src1 ^ src2)
Public methodStatic memberBlendLinear
Performs linear blending of two images: dst(i,j) = weights1(i,j)*src1(i,j) + weights2(i,j)*src2(i,j)
Public methodStatic memberBlur
Smoothes image using normalized box filter
Public methodStatic memberBorderInterpolate
Computes the source location of an extrapolated pixel.
Public methodStatic memberBoundingRect(InputArray)
Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set.
Public methodStatic memberBoundingRect(IEnumerablePoint)
Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set.
Public methodStatic memberBoundingRect(IEnumerablePoint2f)
Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set.
Public methodStatic memberBoxFilter
Smoothes image using box filter
Public methodStatic memberBoxPoints(RotatedRect)
Finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle. The function finds the four vertices of a rotated rectangle.This function is useful to draw the rectangle.In C++, instead of using this function, you can directly use RotatedRect::points method. Please visit the @ref tutorial_bounding_rotated_ellipses "tutorial on Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours" for more information.
Public methodStatic memberBoxPoints(RotatedRect, OutputArray)
Finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle. The function finds the four vertices of a rotated rectangle.This function is useful to draw the rectangle.In C++, instead of using this function, you can directly use RotatedRect::points method. Please visit the @ref tutorial_bounding_rotated_ellipses "tutorial on Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours" for more information.
Public methodStatic memberBuildOpticalFlowPyramid(InputArray, Mat, Size, Int32, Boolean, BorderTypes, BorderTypes, Boolean)
Constructs a pyramid which can be used as input for calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
Public methodStatic memberBuildOpticalFlowPyramid(InputArray, OutputArray, Size, Int32, Boolean, BorderTypes, BorderTypes, Boolean)
Constructs a pyramid which can be used as input for calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
Public methodStatic memberCalcBackProject
computes the joint dense histogram for a set of images.
Public methodStatic memberCalcCovarMatrix(InputArray, OutputArray, InputOutputArray, CovarFlags, NullableMatType)
computes covariation matrix of a set of samples
Public methodStatic memberCalcCovarMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, CovarFlags, NullableMatType)
computes covariation matrix of a set of samples
Public methodStatic memberCalcHist(Mat, Int32, InputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Rangef, Boolean, Boolean)
computes the joint dense histogram for a set of images.
Public methodStatic memberCalcHist(Mat, Int32, InputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Single, Boolean, Boolean)
computes the joint dense histogram for a set of images.
Public methodStatic memberCalcOpticalFlowFarneback
Computes a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputOutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, NullableSize, Int32, NullableTermCriteria, OpticalFlowFlags, Double)
computes sparse optical flow using multi-scale Lucas-Kanade algorithm
Public methodStatic memberCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(InputArray, InputArray, Point2f, Point2f, Byte, Single, NullableSize, Int32, NullableTermCriteria, OpticalFlowFlags, Double)
computes sparse optical flow using multi-scale Lucas-Kanade algorithm
Public methodStatic memberCalibrateCamera(IEnumerableMat, IEnumerableMat, Size, InputOutputArray, InputOutputArray, Mat, Mat, CalibrationFlags, NullableTermCriteria)
finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters from several fews of a known calibration pattern.
Public methodStatic memberCalibrateCamera(IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint3f, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint2f, Size, Double, Double, Vec3d, Vec3d, CalibrationFlags, NullableTermCriteria)
finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters from several fews of a known calibration pattern.
Public methodStatic memberCalibrationMatrixValues(Double, Size, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Point2d, Double)
computes several useful camera characteristics from the camera matrix, camera frame resolution and the physical sensor size.
Public methodStatic memberCalibrationMatrixValues(InputArray, Size, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Point2d, Double)
computes several useful camera characteristics from the camera matrix, camera frame resolution and the physical sensor size.
Public methodStatic memberCamShift
Finds an object center, size, and orientation.
Public methodStatic memberCanny(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, Double, Double, Boolean)
Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm with custom image gradient.
Public methodStatic memberCanny(InputArray, OutputArray, Double, Double, Int32, Boolean)
Finds edges in an image using Canny algorithm.
Public methodStatic memberCartToPolar
Calculates the magnitude and angle of 2D vectors.
Public methodStatic memberCheckChessboard
Checks whether the image contains chessboard of the specific size or not.
Public methodStatic memberCheckHardwareSupport
Returns true if the specified feature is supported by the host hardware. The function returns true if the host hardware supports the specified feature.When user calls setUseOptimized(false), the subsequent calls to checkHardwareSupport() will return false until setUseOptimized(true) is called.This way user can dynamically switch on and off the optimized code in OpenCV.
Public methodStatic memberCheckRange(InputArray, Boolean)
checks that each matrix element is within the specified range.
Public methodStatic memberCheckRange(InputArray, Boolean, Point, Double, Double)
checks that each matrix element is within the specified range.
Public methodStatic memberCircle(InputOutputArray, Point, Int32, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws a circle
Public methodStatic memberCircle(InputOutputArray, Int32, Int32, Int32, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws a circle
Public methodStatic memberClipLine(Rect, Point, Point)
Clips the line against the image rectangle
Public methodStatic memberClipLine(Size, Point, Point)
Clips the line against the image rectangle
Public methodStatic memberColorChange
Given an original color image, two differently colored versions of this image can be mixed seamlessly. Multiplication factor is between 0.5 to 2.5.
Public methodStatic memberCompare
Performs the per-element comparison of two arrays or an array and scalar value.
Public methodStatic memberCompareHist
compares two histograms stored in dense arrays
Public methodStatic memberCompleteSymm
extends the symmetrical matrix from the lower half or from the upper half
Public methodStatic memberComposeRT(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
composes 2 [R|t] transformations together. Also computes the derivatives of the result w.r.t the arguments
Public methodStatic memberComposeRT(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
composes 2 [R|t] transformations together. Also computes the derivatives of the result w.r.t the arguments
Public methodStatic memberComposeRT(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray)
composes 2 [R|t] transformations together. Also computes the derivatives of the result w.r.t the arguments
Public methodStatic memberComputeCorrespondEpilines(IEnumerablePoint2d, Int32, Double)
For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.
Public methodStatic memberComputeCorrespondEpilines(IEnumerablePoint3d, Int32, Double)
For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.
Public methodStatic memberComputeCorrespondEpilines(InputArray, Int32, InputArray, OutputArray)
For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.
Public methodStatic memberComputeRecallPrecisionCurve
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponents(InputArray, OutputArray, PixelConnectivity)
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponents(InputArray, Int32, PixelConnectivity)
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponents(InputArray, OutputArray, PixelConnectivity, MatType)
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponentsEx
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponentsWithAlgorithm
Computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels[0, N - 1] where 0 represents the background label.ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.ccltype specifies the connected components labeling algorithm to use, currently Grana (BBDT) and Wu's (SAUF) algorithms are supported, see the #ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmsTypes for details.Note that SAUF algorithm forces a row major ordering of labels while BBDT does not. This function uses parallel version of both Grana and Wu's algorithms if at least one allowed parallel framework is enabled and if the rows of the image are at least twice the number returned by #getNumberOfCPUs.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, PixelConnectivity)
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, PixelConnectivity, MatType)
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.
Public methodStatic memberConnectedComponentsWithStatsWithAlgorithm
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image and also produces a statistics output for each label. image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels[0, N - 1] where 0 represents the background label.ltype specifies the output label image type, an important consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels in the source image.ccltype specifies the connected components labeling algorithm to use, currently Grana's (BBDT) and Wu's (SAUF) algorithms are supported, see the #ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmsTypes for details.Note that SAUF algorithm forces a row major ordering of labels while BBDT does not. This function uses parallel version of both Grana and Wu's algorithms (statistics included) if at least one allowed parallel framework is enabled and if the rows of the image are at least twice the number returned by #getNumberOfCPUs.
Public methodStatic memberContourArea(InputArray, Boolean)
Calculates the contour area
Public methodStatic memberContourArea(IEnumerablePoint, Boolean)
Calculates the contour area
Public methodStatic memberContourArea(IEnumerablePoint2f, Boolean)
Calculates the contour area
Public methodStatic memberConvertFp16
Converts an array to half precision floating number. This function converts FP32(single precision floating point) from/to FP16(half precision floating point). CV_16S format is used to represent FP16 data. There are two use modes(src -> dst) : CV_32F -> CV_16S and CV_16S -> CV_32F.The input array has to have type of CV_32F or CV_16S to represent the bit depth.If the input array is neither of them, the function will raise an error. The format of half precision floating point is defined in IEEE 754-2008.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMaps
Converts image transformation maps from one representation to another.
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsFromHomogeneous(IEnumerableVec3f)
converts point coordinates from homogeneous to normal pixel coordinates ((x,y,z)->(x/z, y/z))
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsFromHomogeneous(IEnumerableVec4f)
converts point coordinates from homogeneous to normal pixel coordinates ((x,y,z)->(x/z, y/z))
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsFromHomogeneous(InputArray, OutputArray)
converts point coordinates from homogeneous to normal pixel coordinates ((x,y,z)->(x/z, y/z))
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsHomogeneous
Converts points to/from homogeneous coordinates.
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsToHomogeneous(IEnumerableVec2f)
converts point coordinates from normal pixel coordinates to homogeneous coordinates ((x,y)->(x,y,1))
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsToHomogeneous(IEnumerableVec3f)
converts point coordinates from normal pixel coordinates to homogeneous coordinates ((x,y)->(x,y,1))
Public methodStatic memberConvertPointsToHomogeneous(InputArray, OutputArray)
converts point coordinates from normal pixel coordinates to homogeneous coordinates ((x,y)->(x,y,1))
Public methodStatic memberConvertScaleAbs
Scales, computes absolute values and converts the result to 8-bit.
Public methodStatic memberConvexHull(IEnumerablePoint, Boolean)
Computes convex hull for a set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberConvexHull(IEnumerablePoint2f, Boolean)
Computes convex hull for a set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberConvexHull(InputArray, OutputArray, Boolean, Boolean)
Computes convex hull for a set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberConvexHullIndices(IEnumerablePoint, Boolean)
Computes convex hull for a set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberConvexHullIndices(IEnumerablePoint2f, Boolean)
Computes convex hull for a set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberConvexityDefects(IEnumerablePoint, IEnumerableInt32)
Computes the contour convexity defects
Public methodStatic memberConvexityDefects(IEnumerablePoint2f, IEnumerableInt32)
Computes the contour convexity defects
Public methodStatic memberConvexityDefects(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
Computes the contour convexity defects
Public methodStatic memberCopyMakeBorder
Forms a border around the image
Public methodStatic memberCopyTo
Copies the matrix to another one. When the operation mask is specified, if the Mat::create call shown above reallocates the matrix, the newly allocated matrix is initialized with all zeros before copying the data.
Public methodStatic memberCornerEigenValsAndVecs
computes both eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of 2x2 derivative covariation matrix at each pixel. The output is stored as 6-channel matrix.
Public methodStatic memberCornerSubPix
adjusts the corner locations with sub-pixel accuracy to maximize the certain cornerness criteria
Public methodStatic memberCorrectMatches(Double, IEnumerablePoint2d, IEnumerablePoint2d, Point2d, Point2d)
Refines coordinates of corresponding points.
Public methodStatic memberCorrectMatches(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray)
Refines coordinates of corresponding points.
Public methodStatic memberCountNonZero
computes the number of nonzero array elements
Public methodStatic memberCreateCLAHE
Creates a predefined CLAHE object
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrameSource_Camera
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrameSource_Empty
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrameSource_Video
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrameSource_Video_CUDA
Public methodStatic memberCreateHanningWindow
Computes a Hanning window coefficients in two dimensions.
Public methodStatic memberCreateOptFlow_Brox_GPU
Public methodStatic memberCreateOptFlow_DualTVL1_GPU
Public methodStatic memberCreateOptFlow_Farneback
Public methodStatic memberCreateOptFlow_Farneback_GPU
Public methodStatic memberCreateOptFlow_PyrLK_GPU
Public methodStatic memberCreateSuperResolution_BTVL1
Create Bilateral TV-L1 Super Resolution.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSuperResolution_BTVL1_CUDA
Create Bilateral TV-L1 Super Resolution.
Public methodStatic memberCreateTrackbar(String, String, Int32, TrackbarCallbackNative, IntPtr)
Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window. The function createTrackbar creates a trackbar(a slider or range control) with the specified name and range, assigns a variable value to be a position synchronized with the trackbar and specifies the callback function onChange to be called on the trackbar position change.The created trackbar is displayed in the specified window winName.
Public methodStatic memberCreateTrackbar(String, String, Int32, Int32, TrackbarCallbackNative, IntPtr)
Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window. The function createTrackbar creates a trackbar(a slider or range control) with the specified name and range, assigns a variable value to be a position synchronized with the trackbar and specifies the callback function onChange to be called on the trackbar position change.The created trackbar is displayed in the specified window winName.
Public methodStatic memberCubeRoot
computes cube root of the argument
Public methodStatic memberCvtColor
Converts image from one color space to another
Public methodStatic memberCvtColorTwoPlane
Converts an image from one color space to another where the source image is stored in two planes. This function only supports YUV420 to RGB conversion as of now.
Public methodStatic memberDct
Performs forward or inverse 1D or 2D Discrete Cosine Transformation
Public methodStatic memberDecolor
Transforms a color image to a grayscale image. It is a basic tool in digital printing, stylized black-and-white photograph rendering, and in many single channel image processing applications @cite CL12 .
Public methodStatic memberDecomposeHomographyMat
Decompose a homography matrix to rotation(s), translation(s) and plane normal(s).
Public methodStatic memberDecomposeProjectionMatrix(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Decomposes the projection matrix into camera matrix and the rotation martix and the translation vector
Public methodStatic memberDecomposeProjectionMatrix(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Decomposes the projection matrix into camera matrix and the rotation martix and the translation vector
Public methodStatic memberDecomposeProjectionMatrix(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray)
Decomposes the projection matrix into camera matrix and the rotation martix and the translation vector
Public methodStatic memberDemosaicing
main function for all demosaicing processes
Public methodStatic memberDenoiseTVL1
Primal-dual algorithm is an algorithm for solving special types of variational problems (that is, finding a function to minimize some functional). As the image denoising, in particular, may be seen as the variational problem, primal-dual algorithm then can be used to perform denoising and this is exactly what is implemented.
Public methodStatic memberDestroyAllWindows
Destroys all of the HighGUI windows.
Public methodStatic memberDestroyWindow
Destroys the specified window.
Public methodStatic memberDetailEnhance
This filter enhances the details of a particular image.
Public methodStatic memberDeterminant
computes determinant of a square matrix
Public methodStatic memberDft
Performs a forward Discrete Fourier transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array.
Public methodStatic memberDilate
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberDistanceTransform
computes the distance transform map
Public methodStatic memberDistanceTransformWithLabels
Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(Double, InputArray, OutputArray, Int32)
Performs per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an array.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, Double, Int32)
Performs per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an array.
Public methodStatic memberDrawChessboardCorners(InputOutputArray, Size, InputArray, Boolean)
Renders the detected chessboard corners.
Public methodStatic memberDrawChessboardCorners(InputOutputArray, Size, IEnumerablePoint2f, Boolean)
Renders the detected chessboard corners.
Public methodStatic memberDrawContours(InputOutputArray, IEnumerableMat, Int32, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Mat, Int32, NullablePoint)
draws contours in the image
Public methodStatic memberDrawContours(InputOutputArray, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint, Int32, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, IEnumerableHierarchyIndex, Int32, NullablePoint)
draws contours in the image
Public methodStatic memberDrawFrameAxes
Draw axes of the world/object coordinate system from pose estimation.
Public methodStatic memberDrawKeypoints
Draw keypoints.
Public methodStatic memberDrawMarker
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image. The function cv::drawMarker draws a marker on a given position in the image.For the moment several marker types are supported, see #MarkerTypes for more information.
Public methodStatic memberDrawMatches
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
Public methodStatic memberDrawMatchesKnn
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
Public methodStatic memberEdgePreservingFilter
Filtering is the fundamental operation in image and video processing. Edge-preserving smoothing filters are used in many different applications @cite EM11 .
Public methodStatic memberEigen
Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
Public methodStatic memberEigenNonSymmetric
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-symmetric matrix (real eigenvalues only).
Public methodStatic memberEllipse(InputOutputArray, RotatedRect, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
Public methodStatic memberEllipse(InputOutputArray, Point, Size, Double, Double, Double, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
Public methodStatic memberEllipse2Poly(Point, Size, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Approximates an elliptic arc with a polyline. The function ellipse2Poly computes the vertices of a polyline that approximates the specified elliptic arc. It is used by cv::ellipse.
Public methodStatic memberEllipse2Poly(Point2d, Size2d, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Approximates an elliptic arc with a polyline. The function ellipse2Poly computes the vertices of a polyline that approximates the specified elliptic arc. It is used by cv::ellipse.
Public methodStatic memberEMD(InputArray, InputArray, DistanceTypes)
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations. The function computes the earth mover distance and/or a lower boundary of the distance between the two weighted point configurations.One of the applications described in @cite RubnerSept98, @cite Rubner2000 is multi-dimensional histogram comparison for image retrieval.EMD is a transportation problem that is solved using some modification of a simplex algorithm, thus the complexity is exponential in the worst case, though, on average it is much faster.In the case of a real metric the lower boundary can be calculated even faster (using linear-time algorithm) and it can be used to determine roughly whether the two signatures are far enough so that they cannot relate to the same object.
Public methodStatic memberEMD(InputArray, InputArray, DistanceTypes, InputArray)
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations. The function computes the earth mover distance and/or a lower boundary of the distance between the two weighted point configurations.One of the applications described in @cite RubnerSept98, @cite Rubner2000 is multi-dimensional histogram comparison for image retrieval.EMD is a transportation problem that is solved using some modification of a simplex algorithm, thus the complexity is exponential in the worst case, though, on average it is much faster.In the case of a real metric the lower boundary can be calculated even faster (using linear-time algorithm) and it can be used to determine roughly whether the two signatures are far enough so that they cannot relate to the same object.
Public methodStatic memberEMD(InputArray, InputArray, DistanceTypes, InputArray, Single, OutputArray)
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations. The function computes the earth mover distance and/or a lower boundary of the distance between the two weighted point configurations.One of the applications described in @cite RubnerSept98, @cite Rubner2000 is multi-dimensional histogram comparison for image retrieval.EMD is a transportation problem that is solved using some modification of a simplex algorithm, thus the complexity is exponential in the worst case, though, on average it is much faster.In the case of a real metric the lower boundary can be calculated even faster (using linear-time algorithm) and it can be used to determine roughly whether the two signatures are far enough so that they cannot relate to the same object.
Public methodStatic memberEqualizeHist
normalizes the grayscale image brightness and contrast by normalizing its histogram
Public methodStatic memberErode
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberEstimateAffine2D
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
Public methodStatic memberEstimateAffine3D
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
Public methodStatic memberEstimateAffinePartial2D
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateFeatureDetector
Public methodStatic memberExp
computes exponent of each matrix element (dst = e**src)
Public methodStatic memberExtractChannel
extracts a single channel from src (coi is 0-based index)
Public methodStatic memberFAST(InputArray, Int32, Boolean)
Detects corners using the FAST algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFAST(InputArray, Int32, Boolean, FASTType)
Detects corners using the FAST algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFastAtan2
computes the angle in degrees (0..360) of the vector (x,y)
Public methodStatic memberFastNlMeansDenoising
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm with several computational optimizations. Noise expected to be a gaussian white noise
Public methodStatic memberFastNlMeansDenoisingColored
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images
Public methodStatic memberFastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(IEnumerableInputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, Int32, Int32)
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
Public methodStatic memberFastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(IEnumerableMat, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Single, Single, Int32, Int32)
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
Public methodStatic memberFastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(IEnumerableInputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Single, Int32, Int32)
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consequtive images have been captured in small period of time. For example video. This version of the function is for grayscale images or for manual manipulation with colorspaces.
Public methodStatic memberFastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(IEnumerableMat, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Single, Int32, Int32)
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consequtive images have been captured in small period of time. For example video. This version of the function is for grayscale images or for manual manipulation with colorspaces.
Public methodStatic memberFillConvexPoly(InputOutputArray, InputArray, Scalar, LineTypes, Int32)
Fills a convex polygon.
Public methodStatic memberFillConvexPoly(Mat, IEnumerablePoint, Scalar, LineTypes, Int32)
Fills a convex polygon.
Public methodStatic memberFillPoly(InputOutputArray, InputArray, Scalar, LineTypes, Int32, NullablePoint)
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons
Public methodStatic memberFillPoly(Mat, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint, Scalar, LineTypes, Int32, NullablePoint)
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons
Public methodStatic memberFilter2D
Convolves an image with the kernel
Public methodStatic memberFilterHomographyDecompByVisibleRefpoints
Filters homography decompositions based on additional information.
Public methodStatic memberFilterSpeckles
filters off speckles (small regions of incorrectly computed disparity)
Public methodStatic memberFind4QuadCornerSubpix(InputArray, InputOutputArray, Size)
finds subpixel-accurate positions of the chessboard corners
Public methodStatic memberFind4QuadCornerSubpix(InputArray, Point2f, Size)
finds subpixel-accurate positions of the chessboard corners
Public methodStatic memberFindChessboardCorners(InputArray, Size, OutputArray, ChessboardFlags)
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard.
Public methodStatic memberFindChessboardCorners(InputArray, Size, Point2f, ChessboardFlags)
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard.
Public methodStatic memberFindChessboardCornersSB(InputArray, Size, OutputArray, ChessboardFlags)
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard using a sector based approach.
Public methodStatic memberFindChessboardCornersSB(InputArray, Size, Point2f, ChessboardFlags)
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard using a sector based approach.
Public methodStatic memberFindCirclesGrid(InputArray, Size, OutputArray, FindCirclesGridFlags, Feature2D)
Finds centers in the grid of circles.
Public methodStatic memberFindCirclesGrid(InputArray, Size, Point2f, FindCirclesGridFlags, Feature2D)
Finds centers in the grid of circles.
Public methodStatic memberFindContours(InputOutputArray, Mat, OutputArray, RetrievalModes, ContourApproximationModes, NullablePoint)
Finds contours in a binary image.
Public methodStatic memberFindContours(InputOutputArray, Point, HierarchyIndex, RetrievalModes, ContourApproximationModes, NullablePoint)
Finds contours in a binary image.
Public methodStatic memberFindContoursAsArray
Finds contours in a binary image.
Public methodStatic memberFindContoursAsMat
Finds contours in a binary image.
Public methodStatic memberFindEssentialMat(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, EssentialMatMethod, Double, Double, OutputArray)
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
Public methodStatic memberFindEssentialMat(InputArray, InputArray, Double, Point2d, EssentialMatMethod, Double, Double, OutputArray)
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
Public methodStatic memberFindFundamentalMat(InputArray, InputArray, FundamentalMatMethod, Double, Double, OutputArray)
Calculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
Public methodStatic memberFindFundamentalMat(IEnumerablePoint2d, IEnumerablePoint2d, FundamentalMatMethod, Double, Double, OutputArray)
Calculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
Public methodStatic memberFindHomography(InputArray, InputArray, HomographyMethods, Double, OutputArray)
computes the best-fit perspective transformation mapping srcPoints to dstPoints.
Public methodStatic memberFindHomography(IEnumerablePoint2d, IEnumerablePoint2d, HomographyMethods, Double, OutputArray)
computes the best-fit perspective transformation mapping srcPoints to dstPoints.
Public methodStatic memberFindNonZero
returns the list of locations of non-zero pixels
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipse(InputArray)
Fits ellipse to the set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipse(IEnumerablePoint)
Fits ellipse to the set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipse(IEnumerablePoint2f)
Fits ellipse to the set of 2D points.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseAMS(InputArray)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Approximate Mean Square(AMS) proposed by @cite Taubin1991 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseAMS(IEnumerablePoint)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Approximate Mean Square(AMS) proposed by @cite Taubin1991 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseAMS(IEnumerablePoint2f)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Approximate Mean Square(AMS) proposed by @cite Taubin1991 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseDirect(InputArray)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Direct least square(Direct) method by @cite Fitzgibbon1999 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseDirect(IEnumerablePoint)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Direct least square(Direct) method by @cite Fitzgibbon1999 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseDirect(IEnumerablePoint2f)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Direct least square(Direct) method by @cite Fitzgibbon1999 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitLine(IEnumerablePoint, DistanceTypes, Double, Double, Double)
Fits line to the set of 2D points using M-estimator algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFitLine(IEnumerablePoint2f, DistanceTypes, Double, Double, Double)
Fits line to the set of 2D points using M-estimator algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFitLine(IEnumerablePoint3f, DistanceTypes, Double, Double, Double)
Fits line to the set of 3D points using M-estimator algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFitLine(IEnumerablePoint3i, DistanceTypes, Double, Double, Double)
Fits line to the set of 3D points using M-estimator algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFitLine(InputArray, OutputArray, DistanceTypes, Double, Double, Double)
Fits line to the set of 2D points using M-estimator algorithm
Public methodStatic memberFlip
reverses the order of the rows, columns or both in a matrix
Public methodStatic memberFloodFill(InputOutputArray, Point, Scalar)
Fills a connected component with the given color.
Public methodStatic memberFloodFill(InputOutputArray, InputOutputArray, Point, Scalar)
Fills a connected component with the given color.
Public methodStatic memberFloodFill(InputOutputArray, Point, Scalar, Rect, NullableScalar, NullableScalar, FloodFillFlags)
Fills a connected component with the given color.
Public methodStatic memberFloodFill(InputOutputArray, InputOutputArray, Point, Scalar, Rect, NullableScalar, NullableScalar, FloodFillFlags)
Fills a connected component with the given color.
Public methodStatic memberFormat
Public methodStatic memberGaussianBlur
Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.
Public methodStatic memberGemm
implements generalized matrix product algorithm GEMM from BLAS
Public methodStatic memberGetAffineTransform(InputArray, InputArray)
Calculates an affine transform from three pairs of the corresponding points. The function calculates the 2×3 matrix of an affine transform.
Public methodStatic memberGetAffineTransform(IEnumerablePoint2f, IEnumerablePoint2f)
Calculates an affine transform from three pairs of the corresponding points. The function calculates the 2×3 matrix of an affine transform.
Public methodStatic memberGetBuildInformation
Returns full configuration time cmake output. Returned value is raw cmake output including version control system revision, compiler version, compiler flags, enabled modules and third party libraries, etc.Output format depends on target architecture.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetCpuFeaturesLine
Returns list of CPU features enabled during compilation. Returned value is a string containing space separated list of CPU features with following markers: - no markers - baseline features - prefix `*` - features enabled in dispatcher - suffix `?` - features enabled but not available in HW
Public methodStatic memberGetCpuTickCount
Returns the number of CPU ticks. The function returns the current number of CPU ticks on some architectures(such as x86, x64, PowerPC). On other platforms the function is equivalent to getTickCount.It can also be used for very accurate time measurements, as well as for RNG initialization.Note that in case of multi-CPU systems a thread, from which getCPUTickCount is called, can be suspended and resumed at another CPU with its own counter. So, theoretically (and practically) the subsequent calls to the function do not necessary return the monotonously increasing values. Also, since a modern CPU varies the CPU frequency depending on the load, the number of CPU clocks spent in some code cannot be directly converted to time units.Therefore, getTickCount is generally a preferable solution for measuringexecution time.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultNewCameraMatrix
returns the default new camera matrix (by default it is the same as cameraMatrix unless centerPricipalPoint=true)
Public methodStatic memberGetDerivKernels
Returns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivatives.
Public methodStatic memberGetFontScaleFromHeight
Calculates the font-specific size to use to achieve a given height in pixels.
Public methodStatic memberGetGaborKernel
Returns Gabor filter coefficients.
Public methodStatic memberGetGaussianKernel
Returns Gaussian filter coefficients.
Public methodStatic memberGetHardwareFeatureName
Returns feature name by ID. Returns empty string if feature is not defined
Public methodStatic memberGetMouseWheelDelta
Gets the mouse-wheel motion delta, when handling mouse-wheel events cv::EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL and cv::EVENT_MOUSEHWHEEL. For regular mice with a scroll-wheel, delta will be a multiple of 120. The value 120 corresponds to a one notch rotation of the wheel or the threshold for action to be taken and one such action should occur for each delta.Some high-precision mice with higher-resolution freely-rotating wheels may generate smaller values. For cv::EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL positive and negative values mean forward and backward scrolling, respectively.For cv::EVENT_MOUSEHWHEEL, where available, positive and negative values mean right and left scrolling, respectively.
Public methodStatic memberGetNearestPoint
Public methodStatic memberGetNumberOfCpus
Returns the number of logical CPUs available for the process.
Public methodStatic memberGetNumThreads
Returns the number of threads used by OpenCV for parallel regions. Always returns 1 if OpenCV is built without threading support. The exact meaning of return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library: - `TBB` - The number of threads, that OpenCV will try to use for parallel regions. If there is any tbb::thread_scheduler_init in user code conflicting with OpenCV, then function returns default number of threads used by TBB library. - `OpenMP` - An upper bound on the number of threads that could be used to form a new team. - `Concurrency` - The number of threads, that OpenCV will try to use for parallel regions. - `GCD` - Unsupported; returns the GCD thread pool limit(512) for compatibility. - `C=` - The number of threads, that OpenCV will try to use for parallel regions, if before called setNumThreads with threads > 0, otherwise returns the number of logical CPUs, available for the process.
Public methodStatic memberGetOptimalDFTSize
Returns the optimal DFT size for a given vector size.
Public methodStatic memberGetOptimalNewCameraMatrix(Double, Double, Size, Double, Size, Rect, Boolean)
Returns the new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetOptimalNewCameraMatrix(InputArray, InputArray, Size, Double, Size, Rect, Boolean)
Returns the new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetPerspectiveTransform(InputArray, InputArray)
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points. The function calculates the 3×3 matrix of a perspective transform.
Public methodStatic memberGetPerspectiveTransform(IEnumerablePoint2f, IEnumerablePoint2f)
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points. The function calculates the 3×3 matrix of a perspective transform.
Public methodStatic memberGetRecall
Public methodStatic memberGetRectSubPix
Retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy.
Public methodStatic memberGetRotationMatrix2D
Calculates an affine matrix of 2D rotation.
Public methodStatic memberGetStructuringElement(MorphShapes, Size)
Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations. The function constructs and returns the structuring element that can be further passed to erode, dilate or morphologyEx.But you can also construct an arbitrary binary mask yourself and use it as the structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberGetStructuringElement(MorphShapes, Size, Point)
Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations. The function constructs and returns the structuring element that can be further passed to erode, dilate or morphologyEx.But you can also construct an arbitrary binary mask yourself and use it as the structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberGetTextSize
returns bounding box of the text string
Public methodStatic memberGetTheRNG
Returns the thread-local Random number generator
Public methodStatic memberGetThreadNum
Returns the index of the currently executed thread within the current parallel region. Always returns 0 if called outside of parallel region. @deprecated Current implementation doesn't corresponding to this documentation. The exact meaning of the return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library: - `TBB` - Unsupported with current 4.1 TBB release.Maybe will be supported in future. - `OpenMP` - The thread number, within the current team, of the calling thread. - `Concurrency` - An ID for the virtual processor that the current context is executing on(0 for master thread and unique number for others, but not necessary 1,2,3,...). - `GCD` - System calling thread's ID. Never returns 0 inside parallel region. - `C=` - The index of the current parallel task.
Public methodStatic memberGetTickCount
Returns the number of ticks. The function returns the number of ticks after the certain event (for example, when the machine was turned on). It can be used to initialize RNG or to measure a function execution time by reading the tick count before and after the function call.
Public methodStatic memberGetTickFrequency
Returns the number of ticks per second. The function returns the number of ticks per second.That is, the following code computes the execution time in seconds:
Public methodStatic memberGetTrackbarPos
Returns the trackbar position.
Public methodStatic memberGetValidDisparityROI
computes valid disparity ROI from the valid ROIs of the rectified images (that are returned by cv::stereoRectify())
Public methodStatic memberGetVersionMajor
Returns major library version
Public methodStatic memberGetVersionMinor
Returns minor library version
Public methodStatic memberGetVersionRevision
Returns revision field of the library version
Public methodStatic memberGetVersionString
Returns library version string. For example "3.4.1-dev".
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowImageRect
Provides rectangle of image in the window. The function getWindowImageRect returns the client screen coordinates, width and height of the image rendering area.
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowProperty
Provides parameters of a window.
Public methodStatic memberGlob
Public methodStatic memberGoodFeaturesToTrack
finds the strong enough corners where the cornerMinEigenVal() or cornerHarris() report the local maxima
Public methodStatic memberGrabCut
Segments the image using GrabCut algorithm
Public methodStatic memberGroupRectangles(IListRect, Int32, Double)
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
Public methodStatic memberGroupRectangles(IListRect, Int32, Int32, Double)
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
Public methodStatic memberGroupRectangles(IListRect, Int32, Double, Int32, Double)
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
Public methodStatic memberGroupRectangles(IListRect, Int32, Double, Int32, Double)
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
Public methodStatic memberGroupRectanglesMeanshift
Public methodStatic memberHaveImageReader
Public methodStatic memberHaveImageWriter
Public methodStatic memberHConcat(IEnumerableMat, OutputArray)
Applies horizontal concatenation to given matrices.
Public methodStatic memberHConcat(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
Applies horizontal concatenation to given matrices.
Public methodStatic memberHoughCircles
Finds circles in a grayscale image using a Hough transform.
Public methodStatic memberHoughLines
Finds lines in a binary image using standard Hough transform.
Public methodStatic memberHoughLinesP
Finds lines segments in a binary image using probabilistic Hough transform.
Public methodStatic memberHoughLinesPointSet
Finds lines in a set of points using the standard Hough transform. The function finds lines in a set of points using a modification of the Hough transform.
Public methodStatic memberIdct
Performs inverse 1D or 2D Discrete Cosine Transformation
Public methodStatic memberIdft
Performs an inverse Discrete Fourier transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array.
Public methodStatic memberIlluminationChange
Applying an appropriate non-linear transformation to the gradient field inside the selection and then integrating back with a Poisson solver, modifies locally the apparent illumination of an image.
Public methodStatic memberImDecode(Byte, ImreadModes)
Reads image from the specified buffer in memory.
Public methodStatic memberImDecode(InputArray, ImreadModes)
Reads image from the specified buffer in memory.
Public methodStatic memberImDecode(Mat, ImreadModes)
Reads image from the specified buffer in memory.
Public methodStatic memberImEncode(String, InputArray, Byte, ImageEncodingParam)
Compresses the image and stores it in the memory buffer
Public methodStatic memberImEncode(String, InputArray, Byte, Int32)
Compresses the image and stores it in the memory buffer
Public methodStatic memberImRead
Loads an image from a file.
Public methodStatic memberImReadMulti
Loads a multi-page image from a file.
Public methodStatic memberImShow
Displays the image in the specified window
Public methodStatic memberImWrite(String, Mat, ImageEncodingParam)
Saves an image to a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberImWrite(String, Mat, Int32)
Saves an image to a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberImWrite(String, IEnumerableMat, ImageEncodingParam)
Saves an image to a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberImWrite(String, IEnumerableMat, Int32)
Saves an image to a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberInitCameraMatrix2D(IEnumerableMat, IEnumerableMat, Size, Double)
initializes camera matrix from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections.
Public methodStatic memberInitCameraMatrix2D(IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint3d, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint2d, Size, Double)
initializes camera matrix from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections.
Public methodStatic memberInitialize
set up P/Invoke settings only for .NET 2.0/3.0/3.5
Public methodStatic memberInitUndistortRectifyMap
initializes maps for cv::remap() to correct lens distortion and optionally rectify the image
Public methodStatic memberInitWideAngleProjMap
initializes maps for cv::remap() for wide-angle
Public methodStatic memberInpaint
Restores the selected region in an image using the region neighborhood.
Public methodStatic memberInRange(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
set mask elements for those array elements which are within the element-specific bounding box (dst = lowerb <= src && src < upperb)
Public methodStatic memberInRange(InputArray, Scalar, Scalar, OutputArray)
set mask elements for those array elements which are within the element-specific bounding box (dst = lowerb <= src && src < upperb)
Public methodStatic memberInsertChannel
inserts a single channel to dst (coi is 0-based index)
Public methodStatic memberIntegral(InputArray, OutputArray, Int32)
Calculates the integral of an image. The function calculates one or more integral images for the source image.
Public methodStatic memberIntegral(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Int32)
Calculates the integral of an image. The function calculates one or more integral images for the source image.
Public methodStatic memberIntegral(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32)
Calculates the integral of an image. The function calculates one or more integral images for the source image.
Public methodStatic memberIntersectConvexConvex(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, Boolean)
finds intersection of two convex polygons
Public methodStatic memberIntersectConvexConvex(IEnumerablePoint, IEnumerablePoint, Point, Boolean)
finds intersection of two convex polygons
Public methodStatic memberIntersectConvexConvex(IEnumerablePoint2f, IEnumerablePoint2f, Point2f, Boolean)
finds intersection of two convex polygons
Public methodStatic memberInvert
computes inverse or pseudo-inverse matrix
Public methodStatic memberInvertAffineTransform
Inverts an affine transformation.
Public methodStatic memberIsContourConvex(InputArray)
returns true if the contour is convex. Does not support contours with self-intersection
Public methodStatic memberIsContourConvex(IEnumerablePoint)
returns true if the contour is convex. Does not support contours with self-intersection
Public methodStatic memberIsContourConvex(IEnumerablePoint2f)
returns true if the contour is convex. D oes not support contours with self-intersection
Public methodStatic memberKmeans
Finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.
Public methodStatic memberLaplacian
Calculates the Laplacian of an image
Public methodStatic memberLine(InputOutputArray, Point, Point, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
Public methodStatic memberLine(InputOutputArray, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
Public methodStatic memberLinearPolar
Remaps an image to polar space.
Public methodStatic memberLog
computes natural logarithm of absolute value of each matrix element: dst = log(abs(src))
Public methodStatic memberLogPolar
Remaps an image to log-polar space.
Public methodStatic memberLUT(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
transforms array of numbers using a lookup table: dst(i)=lut(src(i))
Public methodStatic memberLUT(InputArray, Byte, OutputArray)
transforms array of numbers using a lookup table: dst(i)=lut(src(i))
Public methodStatic memberMagnitude
Calculates the magnitude of 2D vectors.
Public methodStatic memberMahalanobis
Calculates the Mahalanobis distance between two vectors.
Public methodStatic memberMatchShapes(InputArray, InputArray, ShapeMatchModes, Double)
Compares two shapes.
Public methodStatic memberMatchShapes(IEnumerablePoint, IEnumerablePoint, ShapeMatchModes, Double)
Compares two shapes.
Public methodStatic memberMatchTemplate
Computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for
Public methodStatic memberMatMulDeriv
computes derivatives of the matrix product w.r.t each of the multiplied matrix coefficients
Public methodStatic memberMax(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
computes per-element maximum of two arrays (dst = max(src1, src2))
Public methodStatic memberMax(Mat, Mat, Mat)
computes per-element maximum of two arrays (dst = max(src1, src2))
Public methodStatic memberMax(Mat, Double, Mat)
computes per-element maximum of array and scalar (dst = max(src1, src2))
Public methodStatic memberMean
computes mean value of selected array elements
Public methodStatic memberMeanShift
Finds an object on a back projection image.
Public methodStatic memberMeanStdDev(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, InputArray)
computes mean value and standard deviation of all or selected array elements
Public methodStatic memberMeanStdDev(InputArray, Scalar, Scalar, InputArray)
computes mean value and standard deviation of all or selected array elements
Public methodStatic memberMedianBlur
Smoothes image using median filter
Public methodStatic memberMerge
makes multi-channel array out of several single-channel arrays
Public methodStatic memberMin(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
computes per-element minimum of two arrays (dst = min(src1, src2))
Public methodStatic memberMin(Mat, Mat, Mat)
computes per-element minimum of two arrays (dst = min(src1, src2))
Public methodStatic memberMin(Mat, Double, Mat)
computes per-element minimum of array and scalar (dst = min(src1, src2))
Public methodStatic memberMinAreaRect(InputArray)
Finds the minimum area rotated rectangle enclosing a 2D point set.
Public methodStatic memberMinAreaRect(IEnumerablePoint)
Finds the minimum area rotated rectangle enclosing a 2D point set.
Public methodStatic memberMinAreaRect(IEnumerablePoint2f)
Finds the minimum area rotated rectangle enclosing a 2D point set.
Public methodStatic memberMinEnclosingCircle(InputArray, Point2f, Single)
Finds the minimum area circle enclosing a 2D point set.
Public methodStatic memberMinEnclosingCircle(IEnumerablePoint, Point2f, Single)
Finds the minimum area circle enclosing a 2D point set.
Public methodStatic memberMinEnclosingCircle(IEnumerablePoint2f, Point2f, Single)
Finds the minimum area circle enclosing a 2D point set.
Public methodStatic memberMinEnclosingTriangle(InputArray, OutputArray)
Finds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its area.
Public methodStatic memberMinEnclosingTriangle(IEnumerablePoint, Point2f)
Finds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its area.
Public methodStatic memberMinEnclosingTriangle(IEnumerablePoint2f, Point2f)
Finds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its area.
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxIdx(InputArray, Double, Double)
finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxIdx(InputArray, Int32, Int32)
finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxIdx(InputArray, Double, Double, Int32, Int32, InputArray)
finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxLoc(InputArray, Point, Point)
finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxLoc(InputArray, Double, Double)
finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxLoc(InputArray, Double, Double, Point, Point, InputArray)
finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
Public methodStatic memberMixChannels
copies selected channels from the input arrays to the selected channels of the output arrays
Public methodStatic memberMoments(Byte, Boolean)
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
Public methodStatic memberMoments(Single, Boolean)
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
Public methodStatic memberMoments(InputArray, Boolean)
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
Public methodStatic memberMoments(IEnumerablePoint, Boolean)
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
Public methodStatic memberMoments(IEnumerablePoint2f, Boolean)
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
Public methodStatic memberMorphologyDefaultBorderValue
Default borderValue for Dilate/Erode
Public methodStatic memberMorphologyEx
Performs advanced morphological transformations
Public methodStatic memberMoveWindow
Moves window to the specified position
Public methodStatic memberMulSpectrums
Performs the per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply
Calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays
Public methodStatic memberMulTransposed
multiplies matrix by its transposition from the left or from the right
Public methodStatic memberNamedWindow
Creates a window.
Public methodStatic memberNorm(InputArray, NormTypes, InputArray)
Calculates absolute array norm, absolute difference norm, or relative difference norm.
Public methodStatic memberNorm(InputArray, InputArray, NormTypes, InputArray)
computes norm of selected part of the difference between two arrays
Public methodStatic memberNormalize
scales and shifts array elements so that either the specified norm (alpha) or the minimum (alpha) and maximum (beta) array values get the specified values
Public methodStatic memberPartitionT
Splits an element set into equivalency classes. Consider using GroupBy of Linq instead.
Public methodStatic memberPatchNaNs
converts NaN's to the given number
Public methodStatic memberPCABackProject
Reconstructs vectors from their PC projections.
Public methodStatic memberPCACompute(InputArray, InputOutputArray, OutputArray, Int32)
PCA of the supplied dataset.
Public methodStatic memberPCACompute(InputArray, InputOutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Int32)
PCA of the supplied dataset.
Public methodStatic memberPCAComputeVar(InputArray, InputOutputArray, OutputArray, Double)
PCA of the supplied dataset.
Public methodStatic memberPCAComputeVar(InputArray, InputOutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Double)
PCA of the supplied dataset.
Public methodStatic memberPCAProject
Projects vector(s) to the principal component subspace.
Public methodStatic memberPencilSketch
Pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing
Public methodStatic memberPerspectiveTransform(IEnumerablePoint2d, Mat)
performs perspective transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
Public methodStatic memberPerspectiveTransform(IEnumerablePoint2f, Mat)
performs perspective transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
Public methodStatic memberPerspectiveTransform(IEnumerablePoint3d, Mat)
performs perspective transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
Public methodStatic memberPerspectiveTransform(IEnumerablePoint3f, Mat)
performs perspective transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
Public methodStatic memberPerspectiveTransform(InputArray, OutputArray, InputArray)
performs perspective transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
Public methodStatic memberPhase
Calculates the rotation angle of 2D vectors.
Public methodStatic memberPhaseCorrelate
The function is used to detect translational shifts that occur between two images. The operation takes advantage of the Fourier shift theorem for detecting the translational shift in the frequency domain.It can be used for fast image registration as well as motion estimation. For more information please see Calculates the cross-power spectrum of two supplied source arrays. The arrays are padded if needed with getOptimalDFTSize.
Public methodStatic memberPointPolygonTest(InputArray, Point2f, Boolean)
Checks if the point is inside the contour. Optionally computes the signed distance from the point to the contour boundary
Public methodStatic memberPointPolygonTest(IEnumerablePoint, Point2f, Boolean)
Checks if the point is inside the contour. Optionally computes the signed distance from the point to the contour boundary
Public methodStatic memberPointPolygonTest(IEnumerablePoint2f, Point2f, Boolean)
Checks if the point is inside the contour. Optionally computes the signed distance from the point to the contour boundary.
Public methodStatic memberPolarToCart
Calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle.
Public methodStatic memberPolylines(InputOutputArray, InputArray, Boolean, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
draws one or more polygonal curves
Public methodStatic memberPolylines(Mat, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint, Boolean, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
draws one or more polygonal curves
Public methodStatic memberPow
raises the input matrix elements to the specified power (b = a**power)
Public methodStatic memberPreCornerDetect
computes another complex cornerness criteria at each pixel
Public methodStatic memberProjectPoints(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Double)
projects points from the model coordinate space to the image coordinates. Also computes derivatives of the image coordinates w.r.t the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters
Public methodStatic memberProjectPoints(IEnumerablePoint3f, Double, Double, Double, Double, Point2f, Double, Double)
projects points from the model coordinate space to the image coordinates. Also computes derivatives of the image coordinates w.r.t the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters
Public methodStatic memberPSNR
Computes the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metric. This function calculates the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio(PSNR) image quality metric in decibels(dB), between two input arrays src1 and src2.The arrays must have the same type.
Public methodStatic memberPutText
renders text string in the image
Public methodStatic memberPyrDown
Blurs an image and downsamples it.
Public methodStatic memberPyrMeanShiftFiltering
Performs initial step of meanshift segmentation of an image.
Public methodStatic memberPyrUp
Upsamples an image and then blurs it.
Public methodStatic memberRandn(InputOutputArray, InputArray, InputArray)
fills array with normally-distributed random numbers with the specified mean and the standard deviation
Public methodStatic memberRandn(InputOutputArray, Scalar, Scalar)
fills array with normally-distributed random numbers with the specified mean and the standard deviation
Public methodStatic memberRandShuffle(InputOutputArray, Double)
shuffles the input array elements
Public methodStatic memberRandShuffle(InputOutputArray, Double, RNG)
shuffles the input array elements
Public methodStatic memberRandu(InputOutputArray, InputArray, InputArray)
fills array with uniformly-distributed random numbers from the range [low, high)
Public methodStatic memberRandu(InputOutputArray, Scalar, Scalar)
fills array with uniformly-distributed random numbers from the range [low, high)
Public methodStatic memberRecoverPose(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, InputOutputArray)
Recover relative camera rotation and translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using cheirality check. Returns the number of inliers which pass the check.
Public methodStatic memberRecoverPose(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Double, Point2d, InputOutputArray)
Recover relative camera rotation and translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using cheirality check. Returns the number of inliers which pass the check.
Public methodStatic memberRecoverPose(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Double, InputOutputArray, OutputArray)
Recover relative camera rotation and translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using cheirality check. Returns the number of inliers which pass the check.
Public methodStatic memberRectangle(InputOutputArray, Rect, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
Public methodStatic memberRectangle(Mat, Rect, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
Public methodStatic memberRectangle(InputOutputArray, Point, Point, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
Public methodStatic memberRectangle(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, Int32, LineTypes, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
Public methodStatic memberRectify3Collinear
computes the rectification transformations for 3-head camera, where all the heads are on the same line.
Public methodStatic memberReduce
transforms 2D matrix to 1D row or column vector by taking sum, minimum, maximum or mean value over all the rows
Public methodStatic memberRemap
Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
Public methodStatic memberRepeat(Mat, Int32, Int32)
replicates the input matrix the specified number of times in the horizontal and/or vertical direction
Public methodStatic memberRepeat(InputArray, Int32, Int32, OutputArray)
replicates the input matrix the specified number of times in the horizontal and/or vertical direction
Public methodStatic memberReprojectImageTo3D
reprojects disparity image to 3D: (x,y,d)->(X,Y,Z) using the matrix Q returned by cv::stereoRectify
Public methodStatic memberResize
Resizes an image.
Public methodStatic memberResizeWindow(String, Size)
Resizes window to the specified size
Public methodStatic memberResizeWindow(String, Int32, Int32)
Resizes window to the specified size
Public methodStatic memberRodrigues(Double, Double, Double)
converts rotation matrix to rotation vector using Rodrigues transformation
Public methodStatic memberRodrigues(Double, Double, Double)
converts rotation vector to rotation matrix using Rodrigues transformation
Public methodStatic memberRodrigues(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray)
converts rotation vector to rotation matrix or vice versa using Rodrigues transformation
Public methodStatic memberRotate
Rotates a 2D array in multiples of 90 degrees.
Public methodStatic memberRotatedRectangleIntersection(RotatedRect, RotatedRect, OutputArray)
Finds out if there is any intersection between two rotated rectangles. If there is then the vertices of the interesecting region are returned as well. Below are some examples of intersection configurations. The hatched pattern indicates the intersecting region and the red vertices are returned by the function.
Public methodStatic memberRotatedRectangleIntersection(RotatedRect, RotatedRect, Point2f)
Finds out if there is any intersection between two rotated rectangles. If there is then the vertices of the interesecting region are returned as well. Below are some examples of intersection configurations. The hatched pattern indicates the intersecting region and the red vertices are returned by the function.
Public methodStatic memberRQDecomp3x3(Double, Double, Double)
Computes RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrix
Public methodStatic memberRQDecomp3x3(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Computes RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrix
Public methodStatic memberRQDecomp3x3(InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray)
Computes RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrix
Public methodStatic memberSampsonDistance(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray)
Calculates the Sampson Distance between two points.
Public methodStatic memberSampsonDistance(Point3d, Point3d, Double)
Calculates the Sampson Distance between two points.
Public methodStatic memberScaleAdd
adds scaled array to another one (dst = alpha*src1 + src2)
Public methodStatic memberScharr
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator
Public methodStatic memberSeamlessClone
Image editing tasks concern either global changes (color/intensity corrections, filters, deformations) or local changes concerned to a selection. Here we are interested in achieving local changes, ones that are restricted to a region manually selected (ROI), in a seamless and effortless manner. The extent of the changes ranges from slight distortions to complete replacement by novel content @cite PM03 .
Public methodStatic memberSelectROI(InputArray, Boolean, Boolean)
Selects ROI on the given image. Function creates a window and allows user to select a ROI using mouse. Controls: use `space` or `enter` to finish selection, use key `c` to cancel selection (function will return the zero cv::Rect).
Public methodStatic memberSelectROI(String, InputArray, Boolean, Boolean)
Selects ROI on the given image. Function creates a window and allows user to select a ROI using mouse. Controls: use `space` or `enter` to finish selection, use key `c` to cancel selection (function will return the zero cv::Rect).
Public methodStatic memberSelectROIs
Selects ROIs on the given image. Function creates a window and allows user to select a ROIs using mouse. Controls: use `space` or `enter` to finish current selection and start a new one, use `esc` to terminate multiple ROI selection process.
Public methodStatic memberSepFilter2D
Applies separable linear filter to an image
Public methodStatic memberSetBreakOnError
Sets/resets the break-on-error mode. When the break-on-error mode is set, the default error handler issues a hardware exception, which can make debugging more convenient.
Public methodStatic memberSetIdentity
initializes scaled identity matrix
Public methodStatic memberSetMouseCallback
Sets the callback function for mouse events occuring within the specified window.
Public methodStatic memberSetNumThreads
OpenCV will try to set the number of threads for the next parallel region. If threads == 0, OpenCV will disable threading optimizations and run all it's functions sequentially.Passing threads < 0 will reset threads number to system default. This function must be called outside of parallel region. OpenCV will try to run its functions with specified threads number, but some behaviour differs from framework: - `TBB` - User-defined parallel constructions will run with the same threads number, if another is not specified.If later on user creates his own scheduler, OpenCV will use it. - `OpenMP` - No special defined behaviour. - `Concurrency` - If threads == 1, OpenCV will disable threading optimizations and run its functions sequentially. - `GCD` - Supports only values <= 0. - `C=` - No special defined behaviour.
Public methodStatic memberSetTheRNG
Sets the thread-local Random number generator
Public methodStatic memberSetTrackbarMax
Sets the trackbar maximum position. The function sets the maximum position of the specified trackbar in the specified window.
Public methodStatic memberSetTrackbarMin
Sets the trackbar minimum position. The function sets the minimum position of the specified trackbar in the specified window.
Public methodStatic memberSetTrackbarPos
Sets the trackbar position.
Public methodStatic memberSetUseOptimized
Turns on/off available optimization. The function turns on or off the optimized code in OpenCV. Some optimization can not be enabled or disabled, but, for example, most of SSE code in OpenCV can be temporarily turned on or off this way.
Public methodStatic memberSetWindowProperty
Changes parameters of a window dynamically.
Public methodStatic memberSetWindowTitle
Updates window title
Public methodStatic memberSobel
Calculates the first, second, third or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator
Public methodStatic memberSolve
solves linear system or a least-square problem
Public methodStatic memberSolveCubic
finds real roots of a cubic polynomial
Public methodStatic memberSolveLP
Solve given (non-integer) linear programming problem using the Simplex Algorithm (Simplex Method).
Public methodStatic memberSolvePnP(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Boolean, SolvePnPFlags)
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePnP(IEnumerablePoint3f, IEnumerablePoint2f, Double, IEnumerableDouble, Double, Double, Boolean, SolvePnPFlags)
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePnPRansac(IEnumerablePoint3f, IEnumerablePoint2f, Double, IEnumerableDouble, Double, Double)
computes the camera pose from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections. The outliers are possible.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePnPRansac(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, Boolean, Int32, Single, Double, OutputArray, SolvePnPFlags)
computes the camera pose from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections. The outliers are possible.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePnPRansac(IEnumerablePoint3f, IEnumerablePoint2f, Double, IEnumerableDouble, Double, Double, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Single, Double, SolvePnPFlags)
computes the camera pose from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections. The outliers are possible.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePoly
finds real and complex roots of a polynomial
Public methodStatic memberSort
sorts independently each matrix row or each matrix column
Public methodStatic memberSortIdx
sorts independently each matrix row or each matrix column
Public methodStatic memberSpatialGradient
Calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator
Public methodStatic memberSplit(Mat)
Copies each plane of a multi-channel array to a dedicated array
Public methodStatic memberSplit(Mat, Mat)
Copies each plane of a multi-channel array to a dedicated array
Public methodStatic memberSqrBoxFilter
Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter. For every pixel f(x, y) in the source image, the function calculates the sum of squares of those neighboring pixel values which overlap the filter placed over the pixel f(x, y). The unnormalized square box filter can be useful in computing local image statistics such as the the local variance and standard deviation around the neighborhood of a pixel.
Public methodStatic memberSqrt
computes square root of each matrix element (dst = src**0.5)
Public methodStatic memberStartWindowThread
Public methodStatic memberStereoCalibrate(IEnumerableInputArray, IEnumerableInputArray, IEnumerableInputArray, InputOutputArray, InputOutputArray, InputOutputArray, InputOutputArray, Size, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, CalibrationFlags, NullableTermCriteria)
finds intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a stereo camera
Public methodStatic memberStereoCalibrate(IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint3f, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint2f, IEnumerableIEnumerablePoint2f, Double, Double, Double, Double, Size, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, CalibrationFlags, NullableTermCriteria)
finds intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a stereo camera
Public methodStatic memberStereoRectify(Double, Double, Double, Double, Size, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, StereoRectificationFlags, Double, NullableSize)
computes the rectification transformation for a stereo camera from its intrinsic and extrinsic parameters
Public methodStatic memberStereoRectify(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, Size, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, StereoRectificationFlags, Double, NullableSize)
computes the rectification transformation for a stereo camera from its intrinsic and extrinsic parameters
Public methodStatic memberStereoRectify(Double, Double, Double, Double, Size, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, StereoRectificationFlags, Double, Size, Rect, Rect)
computes the rectification transformation for a stereo camera from its intrinsic and extrinsic parameters
Public methodStatic memberStereoRectify(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, Size, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, OutputArray, StereoRectificationFlags, Double, Size, Rect, Rect)
computes the rectification transformation for a stereo camera from its intrinsic and extrinsic parameters
Public methodStatic memberStereoRectifyUncalibrated(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, Size, OutputArray, OutputArray, Double)
computes the rectification transformation for an uncalibrated stereo camera (zero distortion is assumed)
Public methodStatic memberStereoRectifyUncalibrated(IEnumerablePoint2d, IEnumerablePoint2d, Double, Size, Double, Double, Double)
computes the rectification transformation for an uncalibrated stereo camera (zero distortion is assumed)
Public methodStatic memberStylization
Stylization aims to produce digital imagery with a wide variety of effects not focused on photorealism. Edge-aware filters are ideal for stylization, as they can abstract regions of low contrast while preserving, or enhancing, high-contrast features.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, InputArray, Int32)
Calculates per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(InputArray, Scalar, OutputArray, InputArray, Int32)
Calculates per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(Scalar, InputArray, OutputArray, InputArray, Int32)
Calculates per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar
Public methodStatic memberSum
computes sum of array elements
Public methodStatic memberSVBackSubst
performs back substitution for the previously computed SVD
Public methodStatic memberSVDecomp
decomposes matrix and stores the results to user-provided matrices
Public methodStatic memberTextureFlattening
By retaining only the gradients at edge locations, before integrating with the Poisson solver, one washes out the texture of the selected region, giving its contents a flat aspect. Here Canny Edge Detector is used.
Public methodStatic memberThreshold
Applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
Public methodStatic memberTrace
computes trace of a matrix
Public methodStatic memberTransform
performs affine transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
Public methodStatic memberTranspose
transposes the matrix
Public methodStatic memberTriangulatePoints(Double, Double, IEnumerablePoint2d, IEnumerablePoint2d)
Reconstructs points by triangulation.
Public methodStatic memberTriangulatePoints(InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
Reconstructs points by triangulation.
Public methodStatic memberUndistort
corrects lens distortion for the given camera matrix and distortion coefficients
Public methodStatic memberUndistortPoints
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates.
Public methodStatic memberUndistortPointsIter
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates.
Public methodStatic memberUseOptimized
Returns the current optimization status. The function returns the current optimization status, which is controlled by cv::setUseOptimized().
Public methodStatic memberValidateDisparity
validates disparity using the left-right check. The matrix "cost" should be computed by the stereo correspondence algorithm
Public methodStatic memberVConcat(IEnumerableMat, OutputArray)
Applies vertical concatenation to given matrices.
Public methodStatic memberVConcat(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
Applies vertical concatenation to given matrices.
Public methodStatic memberWaitKey
Waits for a pressed key.
Public methodStatic memberWaitKeyEx
Waits for a pressed key. Similar to #waitKey, but returns full key code. Key code is implementation specific and depends on used backend: QT/GTK/Win32/etc
Public methodStatic memberWarpAffine
Applies an affine transformation to an image.
Public methodStatic memberWarpPerspective(InputArray, OutputArray, InputArray, Size, InterpolationFlags, BorderTypes, NullableScalar)
Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
Public methodStatic memberWarpPerspective(InputArray, OutputArray, Single, Size, InterpolationFlags, BorderTypes, NullableScalar)
Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
Public methodStatic memberWarpPolar
Remaps an image to polar or semilog-polar coordinates space.
Public methodStatic memberWatershed
Performs a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algorithm.
See Also