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Cv2FindContoursAsArray Method

Finds contours in a binary image.

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public static Point[][] FindContoursAsArray(
	InputOutputArray image,
	RetrievalModes mode,
	ContourApproximationModes method,
	Nullable<Point> offset = null


Type: OpenCvSharpInputOutputArray
Source, an 8-bit single-channel image. Non-zero pixels are treated as 1’s. Zero pixels remain 0’s, so the image is treated as binary. The function modifies the image while extracting the contours.
Type: OpenCvSharpRetrievalModes
Contour retrieval mode
Type: OpenCvSharpContourApproximationModes
Contour approximation method
offset (Optional)
Type: SystemNullablePoint
Optional offset by which every contour point is shifted. This is useful if the contours are extracted from the image ROI and then they should be analyzed in the whole image context.

Return Value

Type: Point
Detected contours. Each contour is stored as a vector of points.
See Also