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Cv2FitEllipseDirect Method

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Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseDirect(InputArray)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Direct least square(Direct) method by @cite Fitzgibbon1999 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseDirect(IEnumerablePoint)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Direct least square(Direct) method by @cite Fitzgibbon1999 is used.
Public methodStatic memberFitEllipseDirect(IEnumerablePoint2f)
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. The function calculates the ellipse that fits a set of 2D points. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The Direct least square(Direct) method by @cite Fitzgibbon1999 is used.
See Also