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Cv2ReprojectImageTo3D Method

reprojects disparity image to 3D: (x,y,d)->(X,Y,Z) using the matrix Q returned by cv::stereoRectify

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public static void ReprojectImageTo3D(
	InputArray disparity,
	OutputArray _3dImage,
	InputArray Q,
	bool handleMissingValues = false,
	int ddepth = -1


Type: OpenCvSharpInputArray
Input single-channel 8-bit unsigned, 16-bit signed, 32-bit signed or 32-bit floating-point disparity image.
Type: OpenCvSharpOutputArray
Output 3-channel floating-point image of the same size as disparity. Each element of _3dImage(x,y) contains 3D coordinates of the point (x,y) computed from the disparity map.
Type: OpenCvSharpInputArray
4 x 4 perspective transformation matrix that can be obtained with stereoRectify().
handleMissingValues (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates, whether the function should handle missing values (i.e. points where the disparity was not computed). If handleMissingValues=true, then pixels with the minimal disparity that corresponds to the outliers (see StereoBM::operator() ) are transformed to 3D points with a very large Z value (currently set to 10000).
ddepth (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
he optional output array depth. If it is -1, the output image will have CV_32F depth. ddepth can also be set to CV_16S, CV_32S or CV_32F.
See Also