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Cv2EstimateAffine3D Method

Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public static int EstimateAffine3D(
	InputArray src,
	InputArray dst,
	OutputArray outVal,
	OutputArray inliers,
	double ransacThreshold = 3,
	double confidence = 0.99


Type: OpenCvSharpInputArray
First input 3D point set.
Type: OpenCvSharpInputArray
Second input 3D point set.
Type: OpenCvSharpOutputArray
Output 3D affine transformation matrix 3 x 4 .
Type: OpenCvSharpOutputArray
Output vector indicating which points are inliers.
ransacThreshold (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
Maximum reprojection error in the RANSAC algorithm to consider a point as an inlier.
confidence (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
Confidence level, between 0 and 1, for the estimated transformation. Anything between 0.95 and 0.99 is usually good enough. Values too close to 1 can slow down the estimation significantly. Values lower than 0.8-0.9 can result in an incorrectly estimated transformation.

Return Value

Type: Int32

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:OpenCvSharp.Cv2.EstimateAffine3D(OpenCvSharp.InputArray,OpenCvSharp.InputArray,OpenCvSharp.OutputArray,OpenCvSharp.OutputArray,System.Double,System.Double)"]

See Also