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Cv2ComputeCorrespondEpilines Method (IEnumerablePoint2d, Int32, Double)

For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public static Point3f[] ComputeCorrespondEpilines(
	IEnumerable<Point2d> points,
	int whichImage,
	double[,] F


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerablePoint2d
Input points. N \times 1 or 1 x N matrix of type CV_32FC2 or CV_64FC2.
Type: SystemInt32
Index of the image (1 or 2) that contains the points .
Type: SystemDouble
Fundamental matrix that can be estimated using findFundamentalMat() or stereoRectify() .

Return Value

Type: Point3f
Output vector of the epipolar lines corresponding to the points in the other image. Each line ax + by + c=0 is encoded by 3 numbers (a, b, c) .
See Also