OpenCvSharp Namespace OpenCvSharp Class Library

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:OpenCvSharp"]


Public classCv
Managed wrapper of all OpenCV functions
Public classCvArr
Arbitrary array
Public classCvBGCodeBookElem
Public classCvBGCodeBookModel
Public classCvButton
Button that is used on Qt Window
Public classCvCapture
Video capturing class
Public classCvChain
Public classCvChainPtReader
Chain Reader
Public classCvConDensation
Public classCvConnectedComp
Connected component
Public classCvConst
OpenCV Constants defined by macro
Public classCvContour
Contour data
Public classCvContourScanner
Public classCvContourTree
Contour tree
Public classCvFaceTracker
Public classCvFeatureTree
A balanced kd-tree index of feature vectors
Public classCvFileNode
Basic element of the file storage - scalar or collection
Public classCvFileStorage
File Storage
Public classCvFont
Font structure
Public classCvFontQt
Qt Font structure
Public classCvGraph
Oriented or unoriented weigted graph
Public classCvGraphEdge
Edge of graph
Public classCvGraphScanner
Public classCvGraphVtx
Vertex of graph
Public classCvHaarClassifier
a single tree classifier (stump in the simplest case) that returns the response for the feature at the particular image location (i.e. pixel sum over subrectangles of the window) and gives out a value depending on the responce
Public classCvHaarClassifierCascade
Cascade or tree of stage classifiers
Public classCvHaarFeature
A haar feature which consists of 2-3 rectangles with appropriate weights.
Public classCvHaarStageClassifier
a boosted battery of classifiers(=stage classifier): the stage classifier returns 1 if the sum of the classifiers' responces is greater than threshold and 0 otherwise
Public classCvHistogram
Muti-dimensional histogram
Public classCvHomographyEstimator
Public classCvHuMoments
Hu moments
Public classCvKalman
Kalman filter state
Public classCvLatentSvmDetector
structure contains the bounding box and confidence level for detected object
Public classCvLevMarq
Public classCvLine2D
Public classCvLine3D
A 3-dimensional line object
Public classCvLineIterator
Public classCvLSH
Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table
Public classCvMat
Multi-channel matrix
Public classCvMatND
Multi-dimensional dense multi-channel array
Public classCvMemBlock
Memory storage block
Public classCvMemStorage
Growing memory storage
Public classCvMemStoragePos
Memory storage position
Public classCvModelEstimator2
Public classCvMoments
Moment state structure
Public classCvMSERParams
Various MSER algorithm parameters
Public classCvObject
A class which has a pointer of OpenCV structure
Public classCvPOSITObject
Structure containing object information
Public classCvQuadEdge2D
Quad-edge of planar subdivision
Public classCvRandState
Public classCvRNG
Random number generator
Public classCvSeq
Growable sequence of elements
Public classCvSeqT
Generic growable sequence of elements
Public classCvSeqBlock
Continuous sequence block
Public classCvSeqReader
Sequence reader
Public classCvSeqReaderT
Sequence reader
Public classCvSeqWriter
Sequence writer
Public classCvSeqWriterT
Sequence writer
Public classCvSet
Collection of nodes
Public classCvSetElem
List of free nodes
Public classCvSparseMat
Multi-dimensional sparse multi-channel array
Public classCvSparseMatIterator
sparse array iterator
Public classCvSparseNode
An element of CvSparseMat
Public classCvStarDetectorParams
Public classCvStereoBMState
The structure for block matching stereo correspondence algorithm
Public classCvStereoGCState
The structure for graph cuts-based stereo correspondence algorithm
Public classCvStringHashNode
All the keys (names) of elements in the read file storage are stored in the hash to speed up the lookup operations
Public classCvSubdiv2D
Planar subdivision
Public classCvSubdiv2DPoint
Point of original or dual subdivision
Public classCvSURFParams
Various SURF algorithm parameters
Public classCvTrackbar
Trackbar that is shown on CvWindow
Public classCvTreeNodeT
tree node
Public classCvTreeNodeIterator
Class that is used to traverse trees
Public classCvTreeNodeIteratorT
Class that is used to traverse trees
Public classCvTypeInfo
Type information
Public classCvVideoWriter
AVI Video File Writer
Public classCvWindow
Wrapper of HighGUI window
Public classDisposableCvObject
DisposableObject + ICvPtrHolder
Public classDisposableObject
Represents a class which manages its own memory.
Public classImageEncodingParam
The format-specific save parameters for cv::imwrite and cv::imencode
Public classIplConvKernel
The structure which can be used as a structuring element in the morphological operations.
Public classIplImage
IPL image header
Public classJpegEncodingParam
The format-specific save parameters for cv::imwrite and cv::imencode
Public classLoadLibraryException
Public classNativeMethods
OpenCV functions that declared by DllImport
Public classOpenCVException
The default exception to be thrown by OpenCV
Public classOpenCvSharpException
The exception that is thrown by OpenCvSharp.
Public classPngEncodingParam
The format-specific save parameters for cv::imwrite and cv::imencode
Public classPointerAccessor1D_Byte
Managed wrapper of array pointer (Byte*)
Public classPointerAccessor1D_Double
Managed wrapper of array pointer (Double*)
Public classPointerAccessor1D_Int16
Managed wrapper of array pointer (Int16*)
Public classPointerAccessor1D_Int32
Managed wrapper of array pointer (Int32*)
Public classPointerAccessor1D_Single
Managed wrapper of array pointer (Single*)
Public classPointerAccessor1DT
A class to access a native pointer like array
Public classPointerAccessor2D_Single
Managed wrapper of array pointer (Single**)
Public classPxmEncodingParam
The format-specific save parameters for cv::imwrite and cv::imencode
Public classWin32API
Win32API Wrapper
Public classWindowsLibraryLoader
Handles loading embedded dlls into memory, based on

Public structureCvAttrList
List of attributes
Public structureCvAvgComp
Rectangle structure retrieved from cvHaarDetectObjects
Public structureCvBox2D
Rotated 2D box
Public structureCvCircleSegment
circle structure retrieved from cvHoughCircle
Public structureCvColor
Structure that represents RGB color (alias of CvScalar).
Public structureCvConvexityDefect
Structure describing a single contour convexity detect
Public structureCvFaceData
Public structureCvHaarFeatureRect
An element of a haar feature
Public structureCvLineSegmentPoint
Line segment structure retrieved from cvHoughLines2
Public structureCvLineSegmentPolar
Polar line segment retrieved from cvHoughLines2
Public structureCvLSVMFilterPosition
Structure describes the position of the filter in the feature pyramid
Public structureCvMatNDDimension
Pairs (number of elements, distance between elements in bytes) for every dimension
Public structureCvObjectDetection
structure contains the bounding box and confidence level for detected object
Public structureCvPoint
2D point with integer coordinates
Public structureCvPoint2D32f
2D point with floating-point coordinates
Public structureCvPoint2D64f
2D point with double precision floating-point coordinates
Public structureCvPoint3D32f
3D point with floating-point coordinates
Public structureCvPoint3D64f
3D point with double precision floating-point coordinates
Public structureCvRect
Offset and size of a rectangle
Public structureCvScalar
A container for 1-,2-,3- or 4-tuples of numbers
Public structureCvSize
Pixel-accurate size of a rectangle
Public structureCvSize2D32f
Sub-pixel accurate size of a rectangle
Public structureCvSlice
A sequence slice
Public structureCvStarKeypoint
Public structureCvString
Public structureCvSubdiv2DEdge
one of edges within quad-edge, lower 2 bits is index (0..3) and upper bits are quad-edge pointer
Public structureCvSURFPoint
SURF keypoints
Public structureCvTermCriteria
Termination criteria for iterative algorithms
Public structureIplROI
Public structurePointerT
Structure which represents t*
Public structureWCvFont
Public structureWCvMat
Public structureWCvMoments
Public structureWCvMSERParams
Public structureWCvStarDetectorParams
Public structureWCvSURFParams
Public structureWin32APIBITMAPINFO
Public structureWin32APIICONINFO
Public structureWin32APIRGBQUAD

Public interfaceICvPtrHolder
Represents a OpenCV-based class which has a native pointer.
Public interfaceIPointerAccessor1DT
Public interfaceIPointerAccessor2DT

Public delegateCvButtonCallback
Pointer to the function to be called every time the button changed its state.
Public delegateCvCallback
Read callback function
Public delegateCvCloneFunc
Public delegateCvCmpFunc
The comparison function that returns negative, zero or positive value depending on the elements relation
Public delegateCvCmpFuncT
The comparison function that returns negative, zero or positive value depending on the elements relation
Public delegateCvDistanceFunction
The user-defined distance function for cvCalcEMD2. It takes coordinates of two points and returns the distance between the points.
Public delegateCvErrorCallback
Error Handler
Public delegateCvIsInstanceFunc
Public delegateCvMouseCallback
Delegate to be called every time mouse event occurs in the specified window.
Public delegateCvOpenGLCallback
Public delegateCvReadFunc
Public delegateCvReleaseFunc
Public delegateCvTrackbarCallback
Delegate to be called every time the slider changes the position.
Public delegateCvTrackbarCallback2
Delegate to be called every time the slider changes the position.
Public delegateCvWin32WindowCallback
Public delegateCvWriteFunc

Public enumerationAdaptiveThresholdType
Adaptive thresholding algorithms
Public enumerationAngleUnit
Angle Unit for cvCartToPolar
Public enumerationApertureSize
Size of the extended Sobel kernel
Public enumerationApproxPolyMethod
Approximation method
Public enumerationArrComparison
The flag specifying the relation between the elements to be checked
Public enumerationBitDepth
Bit Depth of image elements
Public enumerationBorderType
Type of the border to create around the copied source image rectangle
Public enumerationButtonType
Button type flags (cvCreateButton)
Public enumerationCalibrationFlag
Different flags for cvCalibrateCamera2 and cvStereoCalibrate
Public enumerationCameraChannels
channel indices for multi-head camera live streams
Public enumerationCaptureDevice
Camera device types
Public enumerationCapturePosAviRatio
Position in relative units
Public enumerationCaptureProperty
Property identifiers for CvCapture
Public enumerationCaptureType
Capture type of CvCapture (Camera or AVI file)
Public enumerationCheckArrFlag
The operation flags for cvCheckArr
Public enumerationChessboardFlag
Various operation flags for cvFindChessboardCorners
Public enumerationColorConversion
Color conversion operation for cvCvtColor
Public enumerationContourChain
Approximation method (for all the modes, except CV_RETR_RUNS, which uses built-in approximation).
Public enumerationContourRetrieval
Approximation methods for cvFindContours
Public enumerationContourTreesMatchMethod
Similarity measure (cvMatchContourTrees)
Public enumerationConvertImageFlag
cvConvertImage operation flags
Public enumerationConvexHullOrientation
Orientation for Convex Hull function
Public enumerationCovarMatrixFlag
Operation flags for cvCovarMatrix
Public enumerationCriteriaType
Type of termination criteria
Public enumerationCvFaceElements
Public enumerationCvFilter
Filters used in pyramid decomposition
Public enumerationCvNextEdgeType
Specifies, which of related edges to return
Public enumerationCvStatus
Error status
Public enumerationCvSubdiv2DPointLocation
Kinds of locating point for cvSubdiv2DLocate
Public enumerationDCTFlag
Transformation flags for cvDCT
Public enumerationDFTFlag
Transformation flags for cvDFT
Public enumerationDiagType
Array diagonal
Public enumerationDisparityMode
Mode of correspondence retrieval
Public enumerationDistanceType
Type of distance for cvDistTransform
Public enumerationDistributionType
Distribution type for cvRandArr, etc.
Public enumerationDistTransformLabelType
Public enumerationDominantsFlag
Various operation flags for cvFindDominantPoints
Public enumerationEigenObjectsIOFlag
Input/output flags for Eigen Objects (PCA) Functions
Public enumerationElementShape
Shape of the structuring element
Public enumerationErrMode
Error mode
Public enumerationFileStorageMode
File storage mode
Public enumerationFlipMode
Specifies how to flip the array
Public enumerationFloodFillFlag
floodFill Operation flags. Lower bits contain a connectivity value, 4 (default) or 8, used within the function. Connectivity determines which neighbors of a pixel are considered. Upper bits can be 0 or a combination of the following flags:
Public enumerationFontFace
Font name identifier. Only a subset of Hershey fonts ( are supported now.
Public enumerationFontStyle
The operation flags for cvFontQt
Public enumerationFontWeight
The operation flags for cvFontQt
Public enumerationFourCC
4-character code of codec used to compress the frames.
Public enumerationFundamentalMatMethod
Method for computing the fundamental matrix
Public enumerationGemmOperation
The operation flags for cvGEMM
Public enumerationGraphEdgeVtxFlag
Public enumerationGraphScannerMask
Event mask indicating which events are interesting to the user
Public enumerationHaarDetectionType
Modes of operation for cvHaarDetectObjects
Public enumerationHardwareSupport
Public enumerationHistogramComparison
Comparison methods for cvCompareHist
Public enumerationHistogramFormat
Histogram representation format
Public enumerationHomographyMethod
The method used to computed homography matrix
Public enumerationHoughCirclesMethod
Methods for cvHoughCircles
Public enumerationHoughLinesMethod
The Hough transform variant
Public enumerationImageEncodingID
The format type IDs for cv::imwrite and cv::inencode
Public enumerationImageOrigin
Origin of IplImage
Public enumerationInpaintMethod
The inpainting method
Public enumerationInsertPosition
The flags specifying the modified sequence end
Public enumerationInterpolation
Interpolation method
Public enumerationInvertMethod
Inversion methods
Public enumerationKMeansFlag
Miscellaneous flags for cvKMeans2
Public enumerationLevMarqState
Public enumerationLineType
Type of the line
Public enumerationLKFlowFlag
Miscellaneous flags for cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK
Public enumerationLoadMode
Specifies colorness and Depth of the loaded image
Public enumerationMarkerStyle
Marker styles for CvArr.DrawMarker
Public enumerationMatchShapesMethod
Comparison methods for cvMatchShapes
Public enumerationMatchTemplateMethod
Specifies the way the template must be compared with image regions
Public enumerationMatrixType
Type of the matrix elements. Usually it is specified in form (S|U|F)<bit_depth>C<number_of_channels>,
Public enumerationMorphologyOperation
Type of morphological operation
Public enumerationMouseEvent
Mouse events
Public enumerationMulSpectrumsFlag
Operation flags for cvMulSpectrums
Public enumerationNodeType
File node type
Public enumerationNormType
Type of norm
Public enumerationPCAFlag
Flags for PCA operations
Public enumerationPixelConnectivity
PixelConnectivity for LineIterator
Public enumerationReduceDimension
The dimension index along which the matrix is reduce.
Public enumerationReduceOperation
The reduction operations for cvReduce
Public enumerationRotateEdgeFlag
Specifies, which of edges of the same quad-edge as the input one to return
Public enumerationSeqType
The field flagscontain the particular dynamic type signature (CV_SEQ_MAGIC_VAL for dense sequences and CV_SET_MAGIC_VAL for sparse sequences) in the highest 16 bits and miscellaneous information about the sequence. The lowest CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_BITS bits contain the ID of the element type.
Public enumerationSmoothType
Type of the smoothing operations
Public enumerationSortFlag
Order flags for cvSort
Public enumerationStereoBMPreset
ID of one of the pre-defined parameter sets for CreateStereoBMState
Public enumerationStereoRectificationFlag
The operation flags for cvStereoRectify
Public enumerationSVDFlag
Operation flags for cvSVD
Public enumerationThresholdType
Thresholding type
Public enumerationWin32APIColorTableType
Public enumerationWindowMode
Flags for the window
Public enumerationWindowProperty
Property identifiers for cvGetWindowProperty/cvSetWindowProperty
Public enumerationWindowPropertyValue
New value of the window property.