SmoothType Enumeration OpenCvSharp Class Library
Type of the smoothing operations

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: (

public enum SmoothType

  Member nameValueDescription
BlurNoScale0 (simple blur with no scaling) - for each pixel the result is a sum of pixels values in size1×size2 neighborhood of the pixel. If the neighborhood size varies from pixel to pixel, compute the sums using integral image (cvIntegral). [CV_BLUR_NO_SCALE]
Blur1 (simple blur) - for each pixel the result is the average value (brightness/color) of size1×size2 neighborhood of the pixel. [CV_BLUR]
Gaussian2 (Gaussian blur) - the image is smoothed using the Gaussian kernel of aperture size size1×size2. sigma1 and sigma2 may optionally be used to specify shape of the kernel. [CV_GAUSSIAN]
Median3 (median blur) - the image is smoothed using medial filter of size size1×size1 (i.e. only square aperture can be used). That is, for each pixel the result is the median computed over size1×size1 neighborhood. [CV_MEDIAN]
Bilateral4 (bilateral filter) - the image is smoothed using a bilateral 3x3 filter with color sigma=sigma1 and spatial sigma=sigma2. If size1!=0, then a circular kernel with diameter size1 is used; otherwise the diameter of the kernel is computed from sigma2. [CV_BILATERAL]
See Also
