CvMat Class OpenCvSharp Class Library
Multi-channel matrix
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: (

public class CvMat : CvArr, ICloneable, 
	IEnumerable<CvScalar>, IEnumerable

The CvMat type exposes the following members.


Public methodCvMat(Boolean)
Allocates memory
Public methodCvMat(IntPtr)
Initializes by native pointer
Public methodCvMat(String)
Loads an image from the specified file and returns the reference to the loaded image as CvMat.
Public methodCvMat(IntPtr, Boolean)
Initializes by native pointer
Public methodCvMat(String, LoadMode)
Loads an image from the specified file and returns the reference to the loaded image as CvMat.
Public methodCvMat(Int32, Int32, MatrixType)
Allocates header for the new matrix and underlying data, and returns a pointer to the created matrix.
Public methodCvMat(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, CvScalar)
Allocates header for the new matrix and underlying data, and returns a pointer to the created matrix.
Public methodCvMat(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, Array)
Allocates header for the new matrix and underlying data, and returns a pointer to the created matrix. (cvCreateMatHeader + cvSetData)
Public methodCvMat(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, IntPtr)
Allocates header for the new matrix and underlying data, and returns a pointer to the created matrix. (cvCreateMatHeader + cvSetData)
Public methodCvMat(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, Array, Boolean)
Allocates header for the new matrix and underlying data, and returns a pointer to the created matrix. (cvCreateMatHeader + cvSetData)

Protected propertyAllocatedMemory
Gets or sets a memory address allocated by AllocMemory.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected propertyAllocatedMemorySize
Gets or sets the byte length of the allocated memory
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyCols
number of columns
Public propertyCvPtr
Native pointer of OpenCV structure
(Inherited from DisposableCvObject.)
Public propertyData
Data pointer
Public propertyDataArrayByte
Data pointer(byte*) which can be accessed without unsafe code.
Public propertyDataArrayDouble
Data pointer(double*) which can be accessed without unsafe code.
Public propertyDataArrayInt16
Data pointer(short*) which can be accessed without unsafe code.
Public propertyDataArrayInt32
Data pointer(int*) which can be accessed without unsafe code.
Public propertyDataArraySingle
Data pointer(float*) which can be accessed without unsafe code.
Public propertyDataByte
Data pointer as byte*
Public propertyDataDouble
Data pointer as double*
Public propertyDataInt16
Data pointer as short*
Public propertyDataInt32
Data pointer as int*
Public propertyDataSingle
Data pointer as float*
Public propertyDims
Number of dimensions (=2)
(Overrides CvArrDims.)
Public propertyElemChannels
Get number of channels
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public propertyElemDepth
Get bit Depth
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public propertyElemType
Get type of the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public propertyHeight
number of columns
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyIsEnabledDispose
Gets or sets a value indicating whether you permit disposing this instance.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyItemInt32
Return the particular array element (cvGet1D/Set1D)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32
Gets/Sets the particular element of single-channel floating-point matrix (cvmGet/cvmSet)
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32, Int32
Return the particular array element (cvGet3D/Set3D)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public propertyRefCount
Public propertyRows
number of rows
Public propertyStep
Full row length in bytes
Public propertyType
CvMat signature (CV_MAT_MAGIC_VAL), element type and flags
Public propertyWidth
number of rows

Public methodAbs
Calculates absolute difference between array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAbsDiff
Calculates absolute difference between two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAbsDiffS
Calculates absolute difference between array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAcc(CvArr)
Adds frame to accumulator
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAcc(CvArr, CvArr)
Adds frame to accumulator
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdaptiveThreshold(CvArr, Double)
Applies adaptive threshold to array.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdaptiveThreshold(CvArr, Double, AdaptiveThresholdType)
Applies adaptive threshold to array.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdaptiveThreshold(CvArr, Double, AdaptiveThresholdType, ThresholdType)
Applies adaptive threshold to array.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdaptiveThreshold(CvArr, Double, AdaptiveThresholdType, ThresholdType, Int32)
Applies adaptive threshold to array.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdaptiveThreshold(CvArr, Double, AdaptiveThresholdType, ThresholdType, Int32, Double)
Applies adaptive threshold to array.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdd(CvArr, CvArr)
Computes per-element sum of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAdd(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Computes per-element sum of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAddS(CvScalar, CvArr)
Computes sum of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAddS(CvScalar, CvArr, CvArr)
Computes sum of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAddText
Create the font to be used to draw text on an image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAddWeighted
Computes weighted sum of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStatic memberAffineTransform
Calculates affine transform from 3 corresponding points (cvGetAffineTransform).
Protected methodAllocGCHandle
Pins the object to be allocated by cvSetData.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected methodAllocMemory
Allocates the specified size of memory.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodAnd(CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAnd(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAndS(CvScalar, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAndS(CvScalar, CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodArcLength
Calculates contour perimeter or curve length
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodArcLength(CvSlice)
Calculates contour perimeter or curve length
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodArcLength(CvSlice, Int32)
Calculates contour perimeter or curve length
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAvg
Calculates average (mean) of array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAvg(CvArr)
Calculates average (mean) of array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAvgSdv(CvScalar, CvScalar)
Calculates average (mean) of array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodAvgSdv(CvScalar, CvScalar, CvArr)
Calculates average (mean) of array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodBoundingRect
Calculates up-right bounding rectangle of point set.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodBoundingRect(Boolean)
Calculates up-right bounding rectangle of point set.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCalibrationMatrixValues(CvSize)
Finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters using calibration pattern
Public methodCalibrationMatrixValues(CvSize, Double, Double)
Finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters using calibration pattern
Public methodCalibrationMatrixValues(CvSize, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters using calibration pattern
Public methodCalibrationMatrixValues(CvSize, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters using calibration pattern
Public methodCalibrationMatrixValues(CvSize, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, CvPoint2D64f)
Finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters using calibration pattern
Public methodCalibrationMatrixValues(CvSize, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, CvPoint2D64f, Double)
Finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters using calibration pattern
Public methodCanny(CvArr, Double, Double)
Finds the edges on the input image image and marks them in the output image edges using the Canny algorithm. The smallest of threshold1 and threshold2 is used for edge linking, the largest - to find initial segments of strong edges.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCanny(CvArr, Double, Double, ApertureSize)
Finds the edges on the input image image and marks them in the output image edges using the Canny algorithm. The smallest of threshold1 and threshold2 is used for edge linking, the largest - to find initial segments of strong edges.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckArr
Checks every element of input array for invalid values
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckArr(CheckArrFlag)
Checks every element of input array for invalid values
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckArr(CheckArrFlag, Double, Double)
Checks every element of input array for invalid values
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckArray
Checks every element of input array for invalid values
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckArray(CheckArrFlag)
Checks every element of input array for invalid values
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckArray(CheckArrFlag, Double, Double)
Checks every element of input array for invalid values
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCheckContourConvexity
Tests contour convexity.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodClearND
Clears the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodClone
Creates matrix copy (cvCloneMat)
Public methodCmp
Performs per-element comparison of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCmpS
Performs per-element comparison of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCompleteSymm
Completes the symmetric matrix from the lower part
Public methodCompleteSymm(Boolean)
Completes the symmetric matrix from the lower (LtoR=0) or from the upper (LtoR!=0) part
Public methodComputeCorrespondEpilines
For points in one image of stereo pair computes the corresponding epilines in the other image
Public methodContourArea
Calculates area of the whole contour or contour section.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodContourArea(CvSlice)
Calculates area of the whole contour or contour section.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodContourPerimeter
Alias for cvArcLength(curve,Whole_Seq,1)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvert
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvertPointsHomogeneous
Convert points to/from homogeneous coordinates
Public methodConvertPointsHomogenious
Convert points to/from homogeneous coordinates
Public methodConvertScale(CvArr)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvertScale(CvArr, Double)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvertScale(CvArr, Double, Double)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvertScaleAbs(CvArr)
Converts input array elements to 8-bit unsigned integer another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvertScaleAbs(CvArr, Double)
Converts input array elements to 8-bit unsigned integer another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvertScaleAbs(CvArr, Double, Double)
Converts input array elements to 8-bit unsigned integer another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvexHull2(Int32, ConvexHullOrientation)
Finds convex hull of point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvexHull2(CvPoint, ConvexHullOrientation)
Finds convex hull of point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvexHull2(CvPoint2D32f, ConvexHullOrientation)
Finds convex hull of point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvexityDefects(Int32)
Finds convexity defects of contour
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvexityDefects(CvArr)
Finds convexity defects of contour
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodConvexityDefects(CvArr, CvMemStorage)
Finds convexity defects of contour
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCopy(CvArr)
Copies one array to another
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCopy(CvArr, CvArr)
Copies one array to another
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCopyMakeBorder(CvArr, CvPoint, BorderType)
Copies image and makes border around it.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCopyMakeBorder(CvArr, CvPoint, BorderType, CvScalar)
Copies image and makes border around it.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerEigenValsAndVecs(CvArr, Int32)
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerEigenValsAndVecs(CvArr, Int32, ApertureSize)
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerHarris(CvArr, Int32)
Runs the Harris edge detector on image. Similarly to cvCornerMinEigenVal and cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs, for each pixel it calculates 2x2 gradient covariation matrix M over block_size×block_size neighborhood.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerHarris(CvArr, Int32, ApertureSize)
Runs the Harris edge detector on image. Similarly to cvCornerMinEigenVal and cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs, for each pixel it calculates 2x2 gradient covariation matrix M over block_size×block_size neighborhood.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerHarris(CvArr, Int32, ApertureSize, Double)
Runs the Harris edge detector on image. Similarly to cvCornerMinEigenVal and cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs, for each pixel it calculates 2x2 gradient covariation matrix M over block_size×block_size neighborhood.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerMinEigenVal(CvArr, Int32)
Calculates minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCornerMinEigenVal(CvArr, Int32, ApertureSize)
Calculates minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCountNonZero
Counts non-zero array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCreateData
Allocates array data.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCreatePyramid
Builds pyramid for an image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCrossProduct
Calculates cross product of two 3D vectors
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtColor
Converts image from one color space to another.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtPixToPlane
Divides multi-channel array into several single-channel arrays or extracts a single channel from the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtPlaneToPix
Composes multi-channel array from several single-channel arrays or inserts a single channel into the array. (cvCvtPlaneToPix)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtScale(CvArr)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtScale(CvArr, Double)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtScale(CvArr, Double, Double)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtScaleAbs(CvArr)
Converts input array elements to 8-bit unsigned integer another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtScaleAbs(CvArr, Double)
Converts input array elements to 8-bit unsigned integer another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodCvtScaleAbs(CvArr, Double, Double)
Converts input array elements to 8-bit unsigned integer another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDCT
Performs forward or inverse Discrete Cosine transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDecodeImage
Decode image stored in the buffer
Public methodDecodeImageM
Decode image stored in the buffer
Public methodDecomposeProjectionMatrix(CvMat, CvMat, CvMat)
Computes projection matrix decomposition
Public methodDecomposeProjectionMatrix(CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat)
Computes projection matrix decomposition
Public methodDecomposeProjectionMatrix(CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvPoint3D64f)
Computes projection matrix decomposition
Public methodDecRefData
Decrements array data reference counter.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDet
Returns determinant of matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDFT(CvArr, DFTFlag)
Performs forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDFT(CvArr, DFTFlag, Int32)
Performs forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDilate(CvArr)
Dilates image by using arbitrary structuring element.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDilate(CvArr, IplConvKernel)
Dilates image by using arbitrary structuring element.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDilate(CvArr, IplConvKernel, Int32)
Dilates image by using arbitrary structuring element.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDispose
Releases the resources
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Clean up any resources being used.
(Overrides CvArrDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodDistTransform(CvArr)
Calculates distance to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDistTransform(CvArr, DistanceType)
Calculates distance to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDistTransform(CvArr, DistanceType, Int32)
Calculates distance to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDistTransform(CvArr, DistanceType, Int32, Single)
Calculates distance to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDistTransform(CvArr, DistanceType, Int32, Single, CvArr)
Calculates distance to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDiv(CvArr, CvArr)
Performs per-element division of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDiv(CvArr, CvArr, Double)
Performs per-element division of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawChessboardCorners
Draws the individual chessboard corners detected (as red circles) in case if the board was not found (pattern_was_found=0) or the colored corners connected with lines when the board was found (pattern_was_found≠0).
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(CvPoint, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a circle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawContours(CvSeqCvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws contour outlines or interiors in the image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawContours(CvSeqCvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, Int32, Int32)
Draws contour outlines or interiors in the image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawContours(CvSeqCvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, Int32, Int32, LineType)
Draws contour outlines or interiors in the image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawContours(CvSeqCvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, Int32, Int32, LineType, CvPoint)
Draws contour outlines or interiors in the image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawMarker(Int32, Int32, CvScalar) (Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawMarker(Int32, Int32, CvScalar, MarkerStyle) (Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawMarker(Int32, Int32, CvScalar, MarkerStyle, Int32) (Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawMarker(Int32, Int32, CvScalar, MarkerStyle, Int32, LineType) (Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawMarker(Int32, Int32, CvScalar, MarkerStyle, Int32, LineType, Int32) (Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvRect, CvScalar)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvRect, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvRect, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvRect, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodDrawRect(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEigenVV(CvArr, CvArr)
Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEigenVV(CvArr, CvArr, Double)
Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipse(CvPoint, CvSize, Double, Double, Double, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipseBox(CvBox2D, CvScalar)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipseBox(CvBox2D, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipseBox(CvBox2D, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEllipseBox(CvBox2D, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEmptyClone
Makes an matrix that have the same size, depth and channels as this image
Public methodEncodeImage(String, ImageEncodingParam)
Encode image and store the result as a byte vector (single-row 8uC1 matrix)
Public methodEncodeImage(String, Int32)
Encode image and store the result as a byte vector (single-row 8uC1 matrix)
Public methodEqualizeHist
Equalizes histogram of grayscale image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodErode(CvArr)
Erodes image by using arbitrary structuring element.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodErode(CvArr, IplConvKernel)
Erodes image by using arbitrary structuring element.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodErode(CvArr, IplConvKernel, Int32)
Erodes image by using arbitrary structuring element.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodExp
Calculates exponent of every array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodExtractMSER
Extracts the contours of Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodExtractSURF(CvArr, CvSURFPoint, Single, CvSURFParams)
Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodExtractSURF(CvArr, CvSeqCvSURFPoint, CvSeqIntPtr, CvMemStorage, CvSURFParams)
Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodExtractSURF(CvArr, CvSURFPoint, Single, CvSURFParams, Boolean)
Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodExtractSURF(CvArr, CvSeqCvSURFPoint, CvSeqIntPtr, CvMemStorage, CvSURFParams, Boolean)
Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from image
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFFT(CvArr, DFTFlag)
Performs forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFFT(CvArr, DFTFlag, Int32)
Performs forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of 1D or 2D floating-point array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFillConvexPoly(CvPoint, CvScalar)
Fills convex polygon
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFillConvexPoly(CvPoint, CvScalar, LineType)
Fills convex polygon
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFillConvexPoly(CvPoint, CvScalar, LineType, Int32)
Fills convex polygon
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFillPoly(CvPoint, CvScalar)
Fills polygons interior
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFillPoly(CvPoint, CvScalar, LineType)
Fills polygons interior
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFillPoly(CvPoint, CvScalar, LineType, Int32)
Fills polygons interior
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFilter2D(CvArr, CvMat)
Applies arbitrary linear filter to the image. In-place operation is supported. When the aperture is partially outside the image, the function interpolates outlier pixel values from the nearest pixels that is inside the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFilter2D(CvArr, CvMat, CvPoint)
Applies arbitrary linear filter to the image. In-place operation is supported. When the aperture is partially outside the image, the function interpolates outlier pixel values from the nearest pixels that is inside the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodFindChessboardCorners(CvSize, CvPoint2D32f)
Finds positions of internal corners of the chessboard
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindChessboardCorners(CvSize, CvPoint2D32f, Int32)
Finds positions of internal corners of the chessboard
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindChessboardCorners(CvSize, CvPoint2D32f, Int32, ChessboardFlag)
Finds positions of internal corners of the chessboard
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindContours(CvMemStorage, CvSeqCvPoint)
Retrieves contours from the binary image and returns the number of retrieved contours.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindContours(CvMemStorage, CvSeqCvPoint, Int32)
Retrieves contours from the binary image and returns the number of retrieved contours.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindContours(CvMemStorage, CvSeqCvPoint, Int32, ContourRetrieval)
Retrieves contours from the binary image and returns the number of retrieved contours.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindContours(CvMemStorage, CvSeqCvPoint, Int32, ContourRetrieval, ContourChain)
Retrieves contours from the binary image and returns the number of retrieved contours.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindContours(CvMemStorage, CvSeqCvPoint, Int32, ContourRetrieval, ContourChain, CvPoint)
Retrieves contours from the binary image and returns the number of retrieved contours.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFindCornerSubPix
Iterates to find the sub-pixel accurate location of corners, or radial saddle points.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFitEllipse2
Fits ellipse to set of 2D points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFitLine
Fits line to 2D or 3D point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFlip
Flip a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axises
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFlip(CvArr)
Flip a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axises
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFlip(CvArr, FlipMode)
Flip a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axises
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFloodFill(CvPoint, CvScalar)
Fills a connected component with given color.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFloodFill(CvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar)
Fills a connected component with given color.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFloodFill(CvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvScalar)
Fills a connected component with given color.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFloodFill(CvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvConnectedComp)
Fills a connected component with given color.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFloodFill(CvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvConnectedComp, FloodFillFlag)
Fills a connected component with given color.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodFloodFill(CvPoint, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvScalar, CvConnectedComp, FloodFillFlag, CvArr)
Fills a connected component with given color.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Byte)
Creates CvMat from byte rectangular array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Byte)
Creates CvMat from byte liner array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Double)
Creates CvMat from double rectangular array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Double)
Creates CvMat from double liner array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Int16)
Creates CvMat from short rectangular array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Int16)
Creates CvMat from short liner array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Int32)
Creates CvMat from int rectangular array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Int32)
Creates CvMat from int liner array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Single)
Creates CvMat from float rectangular array
Public methodStatic memberFromArray(Single)
Creates CvMat from float liner array
Public methodStatic memberFromArrayT(T, MatrixType)
Creates CvMat from generic rectangular array.
Public methodStatic memberFromArrayT(T, MatrixType)
Creates CvMat from generic liner array
Public methodStatic memberFromFile
Loads an image from the specified file and returns the reference to the loaded image as CvMat.
Public methodStatic memberFromImageData
Creates the IplImage instance from image data (using cvDecodeImageM)
Public methodStatic memberFromStream
Creates the IplImage instance from System.IO.Stream (using cvDecodeImageM)
Public methodGet1D
Return the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGet2D
Return the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGet3D
Return the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetCol
Returns array column
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetCols
Returns array column span
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetDataStream
Returns stream that indicates data pointer. (The return value must be closed manually)
Public methodGetDiag(CvMat)
Returns one of array diagonals
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetDiag(CvMat, DiagType)
Returns one of array diagonals
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetDims
Return number of array dimensions and their sizes
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetDims(Int32)
Return number of array dimensions and their sizes
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetDimSize
Return the size of particular dimension
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetElemType
Returns type of array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetND
Return the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetQuadrangleSubPix
Retrieves pixel quadrangle from image with sub-pixel accuracy.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRawData(IntPtr)
Retrieves low-level information about the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRawData(IntPtr, Int32)
Retrieves low-level information about the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRawData(IntPtr, Int32, CvSize)
Retrieves low-level information about the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetReal1D
Return the particular element of single-channel array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetReal2D
Return the particular element of single-channel array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetReal3D
Return the particular element of single-channel array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRealND
Return the particular element of single-channel array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRectSubPix
Retrieves pixel rectangle from image with sub-pixel accuracy.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRow
Returns array row
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRows(Int32, Int32)
Returns array row span
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetRows(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Returns array row span
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetSize
Returns size of matrix or image ROI
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetStarKeypoints(CvMemStorage)
Retrieves keypoints using the StarDetector algorithm.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetStarKeypoints(CvMemStorage, CvStarDetectorParams)
Retrieves keypoints using the StarDetector algorithm.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetSubArr
Returns matrix header corresponding to the rectangular sub-array of input image or matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetSubRect
Returns matrix header corresponding to the rectangular sub-array of input image or matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHaarDetectObjects(CvHaarClassifierCascade, CvMemStorage)
Finds rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained for and returns those regions as a sequence of rectangles.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHaarDetectObjects(CvHaarClassifierCascade, CvMemStorage, Double)
Finds rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained for and returns those regions as a sequence of rectangles.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHaarDetectObjects(CvHaarClassifierCascade, CvMemStorage, Double, Int32)
Finds rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained for and returns those regions as a sequence of rectangles.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHaarDetectObjects(CvHaarClassifierCascade, CvMemStorage, Double, Int32, HaarDetectionType)
Finds rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained for and returns those regions as a sequence of rectangles.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHaarDetectObjects(CvHaarClassifierCascade, CvMemStorage, Double, Int32, HaarDetectionType, CvSize, CvSize)
Finds rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained for and returns those regions as a sequence of rectangles.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMat, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMemStorage, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMat, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMemStorage, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMat, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMemStorage, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMat, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMemStorage, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMat, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32, Int32)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughCircles(CvMemStorage, HoughCirclesMethod, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32, Int32)
Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLines2(CvMat, HoughLinesMethod, Double, Double, Int32)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLines2(CvMemStorage, HoughLinesMethod, Double, Double, Int32)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLines2(CvMat, HoughLinesMethod, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLines2(CvMemStorage, HoughLinesMethod, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLinesProbabilistic(Double, Double, Int32)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLinesProbabilistic(Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLinesStandard(Double, Double, Int32)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodHoughLinesStandard(Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double)
Finds lines in binary image using Hough transform.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStatic memberIdentity(Int32, Int32, MatrixType)
Initializes identity matrix
Public methodStatic memberIdentity(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, CvScalar)
Initializes scaled identity matrix
Public methodIncRefData
Increments array data reference counter
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInitMatHeader(Int32, Int32, MatrixType)
Initializes matrix header.
Public methodInitMatHeaderT(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, T)
Initializes matrix header.
Public methodInitMatHeaderT(Int32, Int32, MatrixType, T, Int32)
Initializes matrix header.
Public methodInpaint
Inpaints the selected region in the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInRange
Checks that array elements lie between elements of two other arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInRangeS
Checks that array elements lie between two scalars
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodIntegral(CvArr)
Calculates integral images.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodIntegral(CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates integral images.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodIntegral(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates integral images.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInv(CvArr)
Finds inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInv(CvArr, InvertMethod)
Finds inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInvert(CvArr)
Finds inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodInvert(CvArr, InvertMethod)
Finds inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodKMeans2
Splits set of vectors by given number of clusters
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLaplace(CvArr)
Calculates Laplacian of the source image by summing second x- and y- derivatives calculated using Sobel operator.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLaplace(CvArr, ApertureSize)
Calculates Laplacian of the source image by summing second x- and y- derivatives calculated using Sobel operator.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLine(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws a line segment connecting two points
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLinearPolar(CvArr, CvPoint2D32f, Double)
Performs forward or inverse linear-polar image transform
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLinearPolar(CvArr, CvPoint2D32f, Double, Interpolation)
Performs forward or inverse linear-polar image transform
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStatic memberLoadImageM
Loads an image from the specified file and returns the reference to the loaded image as CvMat.
Public methodLog
Calculates natural logarithm of every array element absolute value
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLogPolar(CvArr, CvPoint2D32f, Double)
Remaps image to log-polar space. The function emulates the human "foveal" vision and can be used for fast scale and rotation-invariant template matching, for object tracking etc.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLogPolar(CvArr, CvPoint2D32f, Double, Interpolation)
Remaps image to log-polar space. The function emulates the human "foveal" vision and can be used for fast scale and rotation-invariant template matching, for object tracking etc.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLUT(CvArr, CvArr)
Performs look-up table transform of array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLUT(CvArr, Byte)
Performs look-up table transform of array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLUT(CvArr, Double)
Performs look-up table transform of array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLUT(CvArr, Int16)
Performs look-up table transform of array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLUT(CvArr, Int32)
Performs look-up table transform of array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodLUT(CvArr, Single)
Performs look-up table transform of array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMatchTemplate
Compares template against overlapped image regions.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMax
Finds per-element maximum of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMaxS
Finds per-element maximum of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMerge
Composes multi-channel array from several single-channel arrays or inserts a single channel into the array. (cvMerge)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodmGet
Return the particular element of single-channel floating-point matrix
Public methodMin
Finds per-element minimum of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinAreaRect2
Finds circumscribed rectangle of minimal area for given 2D point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinAreaRect2(CvMemStorage)
Finds circumscribed rectangle of minimal area for given 2D point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinEnclosingCircle
Finds circumscribed rectangle of minimal area for given 2D point set
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinMaxLoc(Double, Double)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinMaxLoc(CvPoint, CvPoint)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinMaxLoc(Double, Double, CvArr)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinMaxLoc(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvArr)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinMaxLoc(Double, Double, CvPoint, CvPoint)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinMaxLoc(Double, Double, CvPoint, CvPoint, CvArr)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMinS
Finds per-element minimum of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMirror
Flip a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axises
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMirror(CvArr)
Flip a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axises
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMirror(CvArr, FlipMode)
Flip a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axises
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMoments
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodmSet
Return the particular element of single-channel floating-point matrix
Public methodMul(CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element product of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMul(CvArr, CvArr, Double)
Calculates per-element product of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodMulAddS
Calculates sum of scaled array and another array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNorm
Calculates absolute array norm, absolute difference norm or relative difference norm
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNorm(CvArr)
Calculates absolute array norm, absolute difference norm or relative difference norm
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNorm(CvArr, NormType)
Calculates absolute array norm, absolute difference norm or relative difference norm
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNorm(CvArr, NormType, CvArr)
Calculates absolute array norm, absolute difference norm or relative difference norm
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNormalize(CvArr)
Normalizes array to a certain norm or value range
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNormalize(CvArr, Double, Double)
Normalizes array to a certain norm or value range
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNormalize(CvArr, Double, Double, NormType)
Normalizes array to a certain norm or value range
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNormalize(CvArr, Double, Double, NormType, CvArr)
Normalizes array to a certain norm or value range
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodNot
Performs per-element bit-wise inversion of array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Protected methodNotifyMemoryPressure
Notifies the allocated size of memory.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodOr(CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodOr(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodOrS(CvScalar, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodOrS(CvScalar, CvArr, CvArr)
Calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPerspectiveTransform(CvArr, CvMat)
Performs perspective matrix transform of vector array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStatic memberPerspectiveTransform(CvPoint2D32f, CvPoint2D32f)
Calculates perspective transform from 4 corresponding points.
Public methodPointPolygonTest
Point in contour test
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPolyLine(CvPoint, Boolean, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple or thick polygons
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPow
Raises every array element to power
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPreCornerDetect(CvArr)
Calculates feature map for corner detection
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPreCornerDetect(CvArr, ApertureSize)
Calculates feature map for corner detection
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtr1D(Int32)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtr1D(Int32, MatrixType)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtr2D(Int32, Int32)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtr2D(Int32, Int32, MatrixType)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtr3D(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtr3D(Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixType)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtrND(Int32)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtrND(Int32, MatrixType)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtrND(Int32, MatrixType, Boolean)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPtrND(Int32, MatrixType, Boolean, NullableUInt32)
Return pointer to the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPutText
Draws text string
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrDown(CvArr)
Downsamples image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrDown(CvArr, CvFilter)
Downsamples image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrMeanShiftFiltering(CvArr, Double, Double)
Does meanshift image segmentation.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrMeanShiftFiltering(CvArr, Double, Double, Int32)
Does meanshift image segmentation.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrMeanShiftFiltering(CvArr, Double, Double, Int32, CvTermCriteria)
Does meanshift image segmentation.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrUp(CvArr)
Upsamples image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodPyrUp(CvArr, CvFilter)
Upsamples image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRandArr
Fills array with random numbers and updates the RNG state
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRandShuffle
Randomly shuffles the array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRandShuffle(CvRNG)
Randomly shuffles the array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRandShuffle(CvRNG, Double)
Randomly shuffles the array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRange
Fills matrix with given range of numbers as following: arr(i,j) = (end-start) * (i*cols(arr)+j) / (cols(arr)*rows(arr))
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvRect, CvScalar)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvRect, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvRect, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvRect, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(CvPoint, CvPoint, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, CvScalar, Int32, LineType, Int32)
Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReduce(CvArr)
Reduces matrix to a vector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReduce(CvArr, ReduceDimension)
Reduces matrix to a vector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReduce(CvArr, ReduceDimension, ReduceOperation)
Reduces matrix to a vector
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReleaseData
Releases array data.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRemap(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Applies generic geometrical transformation to the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRemap(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr, Interpolation)
Applies generic geometrical transformation to the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRemap(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr, Interpolation, CvScalar)
Applies generic geometrical transformation to the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRepeat
Fill destination array with tiled source array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReshape(CvMat, Int32)
Changes shape of matrix/image without copying data
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReshape(CvMat, Int32)
Changes shape of matrix/image without copying data
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReshape(CvMat, Int32, Int32)
Changes shape of matrix/image without copying data
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReshape(CvMat, Int32, Int32)
Changes shape of matrix/image without copying data
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReshapeMatNDT
Changes shape of multi-dimensional array w/o copying data
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodReshapeNDT
Changes shape of multi-dimensional array w/o copying data
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodResize(CvArr)
Resizes image src so that it fits exactly to dst. If ROI is set, the function consideres the ROI as supported as usual.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodResize(CvArr, Interpolation)
Resizes image src so that it fits exactly to dst. If ROI is set, the function consideres the ROI as supported as usual.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodRodrigues2(CvMat)
Converts rotation matrix to rotation vector or vice versa
Public methodRodrigues2(CvMat, CvMat)
Converts rotation matrix to rotation vector or vice versa
Public methodStatic memberRotationMatrix
Calculates affine matrix of 2d rotation.
Public methodRQDecomp3x3(CvMat, CvMat)
Computes RQ decomposition for 3x3 matrices
Public methodRQDecomp3x3(CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat)
Computes RQ decomposition for 3x3 matrices
Public methodRQDecomp3x3(CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, CvPoint3D64f)
Computes RQ decomposition for 3x3 matrices
Public methodSampleLine
Implements a particular case of application of line iterators. The function reads all the image points lying on the line between pt1 and pt2, including the ending points, and stores them into the buffer.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSaveImage(String)
Saves the image to the specified file. The image format is chosen depending on the filename extension, see cvLoadImage. Only 8-bit single-channel or 3-channel (with 'BGR' channel order) images can be saved using this function.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSaveImage(String, ImageEncodingParam)
Saves the image to the specified file. The image format is chosen depending on the filename extension, see cvLoadImage. Only 8-bit single-channel or 3-channel (with 'BGR' channel order) images can be saved using this function.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSaveImage(String, Int32)
Saves the image to the specified file. The image format is chosen depending on the filename extension, see cvLoadImage. Only 8-bit single-channel or 3-channel (with 'BGR' channel order) images can be saved using this function.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodScale(CvArr)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodScale(CvArr, Double)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodScale(CvArr, Double, Double)
Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodScaleAdd
Calculates sum of scaled array and another array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSet(CvScalar)
Sets every element of array to given value
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSet(CvScalar, CvArr)
Sets every element of array to given value
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSet1D
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSet2D
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSet3D
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetData(IntPtr, Int32)
Assigns user data to the array header. Header should be initialized before using cvCreate*Header, cvInit*Header or cvMat (in case of matrix) function.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetDataT(T, Int32)
Assigns user data to the array header. Header should be initialized before using cvCreate*Header, cvInit*Header or cvMat (in case of matrix) function.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetIdentity
Initializes scaled identity matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetIdentity(CvScalar)
Initializes scaled identity matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetND
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetReal1D
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetReal2D
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetReal3D
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetRealND
Change the particular array element
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSetZero
Clears the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSmooth(CvArr)
Smooths the image in one of several ways.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSmooth(CvArr, SmoothType)
Smooths the image in one of several ways.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSmooth(CvArr, SmoothType, Int32)
Smooths the image in one of several ways.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSmooth(CvArr, SmoothType, Int32, Int32)
Smooths the image in one of several ways.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSmooth(CvArr, SmoothType, Int32, Int32, Double)
Smooths the image in one of several ways.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSmooth(CvArr, SmoothType, Int32, Int32, Double, Double)
Smooths the image in one of several ways.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSobel(CvArr, Int32, Int32)
Calculates first, second, third or mixed image derivatives using extended Sobel operator
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSobel(CvArr, Int32, Int32, ApertureSize)
Calculates first, second, third or mixed image derivatives using extended Sobel operator
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSort
Sorts the rows/cols of an array ascending/descending
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSort(CvArr)
Sorts the rows/cols of an array ascending/descending
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSort(CvArr, CvArr)
Sorts the rows/cols of an array ascending/descending
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSort(CvArr, CvArr, SortFlag)
Sorts the rows/cols of an array ascending/descending
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSplit
Divides multi-channel array into several single-channel arrays or extracts a single channel from the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSquareAcc(CvArr)
Adds the square of source image to accumulator
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSquareAcc(CvArr, CvArr)
Adds the square of source image to accumulator
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStartFindContours(CvMemStorage)
Initializes contour scanning process
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStartFindContours(CvMemStorage, Int32)
Initializes contour scanning process
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStartFindContours(CvMemStorage, Int32, ContourRetrieval)
Initializes contour scanning process
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStartFindContours(CvMemStorage, Int32, ContourRetrieval, ContourChain)
Initializes contour scanning process
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodStartFindContours(CvMemStorage, Int32, ContourRetrieval, ContourChain, CvPoint)
Initializes contour scanning process
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSub(CvArr, CvArr)
Computes per-element difference between two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSub(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Computes per-element difference between two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSubRS(CvScalar, CvArr)
Computes difference between scalar and array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSubRS(CvScalar, CvArr, CvArr)
Computes difference between scalar and array
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSubS(CvScalar, CvArr)
Computes difference between array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSubS(CvScalar, CvArr, CvArr)
Computes difference between array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSum
Summarizes array elements
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSVD(CvArr)
Performs singular value decomposition of real floating-point matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSVD(CvArr, CvArr)
Performs singular value decomposition of real floating-point matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSVD(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Performs singular value decomposition of real floating-point matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodSVD(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr, SVDFlag)
Performs singular value decomposition of real floating-point matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodT
Transposes matrix
Public methodT(CvArr)
Transposes matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodThreshold
Applies fixed-level threshold to array elements.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodThrowIfDisposed
If this object is disposed, then ObjectDisposedException is thrown.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodToArray
Converts this CvMat object to a managed linear array.
Public methodToBytes
Extract this image to the memory using cvEncodeImage
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodToRectangularArray
Converts this CvMat object to a managed rectangular array.
Public methodToStream
Extract this image to the memory using cvEncodeImage
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodToString
Converts this object to a human readable string.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodTrace
Returns trace of matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodTranspose
Transposes matrix
Public methodTranspose(CvArr)
Transposes matrix
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodUndistort2(CvArr, CvMat, CvMat)
Transforms image to compensate lens distortion.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodUndistort2(CvArr, CvMat, CvMat, CvMat)
Transforms image to compensate lens distortion.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodUndistortPoints
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates
Public methodValidateDisparity(CvArr, Int32, Int32)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodValidateDisparity(CvArr, Int32, Int32, Int32)
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodWarpPerspective(CvArr, CvMat)
Applies perspective transformation to the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodWarpPerspective(CvArr, CvMat, Interpolation)
Applies perspective transformation to the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodWarpPerspective(CvArr, CvMat, Interpolation, CvScalar)
Applies perspective transformation to the image.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodWatershed
Does watershed segmentation.
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodXor(CvArr, CvArr)
Performs per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodXor(CvArr, CvArr, CvArr)
Performs per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodXorS(CvScalar, CvArr)
Performs per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodXorS(CvScalar, CvArr, CvArr)
Performs per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on array and scalar
(Inherited from CvArr.)
Public methodZero
Clears the array
(Inherited from CvArr.)

Public operatorStatic memberAddition(CvMat, CvMat)
Binary plus operator (cvAdd)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(CvMat, CvScalar)
Binary plus operator (cvAddS)
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseAnd(CvMat, CvMat)
Bitwise AND operator (cvAnd)
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseAnd(CvMat, CvScalar)
Bitwise AND operator (cvAndS)
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr(CvMat, CvMat)
Bitwise OR operator (cvOr)
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr(CvMat, CvScalar)
Bitwise OR operator (cvOrS)
Public operatorStatic memberDivision
Division operator (cvAddWeighted)
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr(CvMat, CvMat)
Bitwise XOR operator (cvXor)
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr(CvMat, CvScalar)
Bitwise XOR operator (cvXorS)
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Double, CvMat)
Multiplicative operator (cvAddWeighted)
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(CvMat, CvMat)
Multiplicative operator (cvMatMul)
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(CvMat, Double)
Multiplicative operator (cvAddWeighted)
Public operatorStatic memberOnesComplement
Logical nagation operator
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(CvMat, CvMat)
Binary negation operator (cvSub)
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(CvMat, CvScalar)
Binary negation operator (cvSub)
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
Unary negation operator
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryPlus
Unary plus operator

Protected fielddataHandle
Gets or sets a handle which allocates using cvSetData.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected fieldptr
Data pointer
(Inherited from DisposableCvObject.)
Public fieldStatic memberSizeOf
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodHoughLinesProbabilisticEx
(Defined by CvExtensions.)
See Also
