CvFindFundamentalMat Method (CvMat, CvMat, CvMat, FundamentalMatMethod, Double, Double) OpenCvSharp Class Library
Calculates fundamental matrix from corresponding points in two images

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: (

public static int FindFundamentalMat(
	CvMat points1,
	CvMat points2,
	CvMat fundamentalMatrix,
	FundamentalMatMethod method,
	double param1,
	double param2


Type: OpenCvSharpCvMat
Array of the first image points of 2xN, Nx2, 3xN or Nx3 size (where N is number of points). Multi-channel 1xN or Nx1 array is also acceptable. The point coordinates should be floating-point (single or double precision)
Type: OpenCvSharpCvMat
Array of the second image points of the same size and format as points1
Type: OpenCvSharpCvMat
The output fundamental matrix or matrices. The size should be 3x3 or 9x3 (7-point method may return up to 3 matrices).
Type: OpenCvSharpFundamentalMatMethod
Method for computing the fundamental matrix
Type: SystemDouble
The parameter is used for RANSAC method only. It is the maximum distance from point to epipolar line in pixels, beyond which the point is considered an outlier and is not used for computing the final fundamental matrix. Usually it is set somewhere from 1 to 3.
Type: SystemDouble
The parameter is used for RANSAC or LMedS methods only. It denotes the desirable level of confidence of the fundamental matrix estimate.

Return Value

Type: Int32

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:OpenCvSharp.Cv.FindFundamentalMat(OpenCvSharp.CvMat,OpenCvSharp.CvMat,OpenCvSharp.CvMat,OpenCvSharp.FundamentalMatMethod,System.Double,System.Double)"]

See Also
