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AngleRangeOption Enumeration

Specifies the part of Hough space to calculate

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp.XImgProc
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public enum AngleRangeOption
  Member nameValueDescription
ARO_0_450 Vertical primarily direction and clockwise angle changes
ARO_45_901 Horizontal primarily direction and counterclockwise angle changes
ARO_90_1352 Horizontal primarily direction and clockwise angle changes
ARO_315_03 Vertical primarily direction and counterclockwise angle changes
ARO_315_454 Vertical primarily direction
ARO_45_1355 Horizontal primarily direction
ARO_315_1356 Full set of directions
ARO_CTR_HOR7 90 +/- atan(0.5), interval approximately from 64.5 to 116.5 degrees. It is used for calculating Fast Hough Transform for images skewed by atan(0.5).
ARO_CTR_VER8 +/- atan(0.5), interval approximately from 333.5(-26.5) to 26.5 degrees It is used for calculating Fast Hough Transform for images skewed by atan(0.5).
The enum specifies the part of Hough space to calculate. Each member specifies primarily direction of lines(horizontal or vertical) and the direction of angle changes. Direction of angle changes is from multiples of 90 to odd multiples of 45. The image considered to be written top-down and left-to-right. Angles are started from vertical line and go clockwise. Separate quarters and halves are written in orientation they should be in full Hough space.
See Also