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CvOptFlow Class

cv::optflow functions
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp.OptFlow
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public static class CvOptFlow

The CvOptFlow type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCalcGlobalOrientation
Computes the global orientation of the selected motion history image part
Public methodStatic memberCalcMotionGradient
Computes the motion gradient orientation image from the motion history image
Public methodStatic memberCalcOpticalFlowSF(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Int32)
computes dense optical flow using Simple Flow algorithm
Public methodStatic memberCalcOpticalFlowSF(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double, Double)
computes dense optical flow using Simple Flow algorithm
Public methodStatic memberCalcOpticalFlowSparseToDense
Fast dense optical flow based on PyrLK sparse matches interpolation.
Public methodStatic memberSegmentMotion
Splits a motion history image into a few parts corresponding to separate independent motions (for example, left hand, right hand).
Public methodStatic memberUpdateMotionHistory
Updates motion history image using the current silhouette
See Also