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MatRemap Method

Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public Mat Remap(
	InputArray map1,
	InputArray map2,
	InterpolationFlags interpolation = InterpolationFlags.Linear,
	BorderTypes borderMode = BorderTypes.Constant,
	Nullable<Scalar> borderValue = null


Type: OpenCvSharpInputArray
The first map of either (x,y) points or just x values having the type CV_16SC2, CV_32FC1, or CV_32FC2.
Type: OpenCvSharpInputArray
The second map of y values having the type CV_16UC1, CV_32FC1, or none (empty map if map1 is (x,y) points), respectively.
interpolation (Optional)
Type: OpenCvSharpInterpolationFlags
Interpolation method. The method INTER_AREA is not supported by this function.
borderMode (Optional)
Type: OpenCvSharpBorderTypes
Pixel extrapolation method. When borderMode=BORDER_TRANSPARENT, it means that the pixels in the destination image that corresponds to the "outliers" in the source image are not modified by the function.
borderValue (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableScalar
Value used in case of a constant border. By default, it is 0.

Return Value

Type: Mat
Destination image. It has the same size as map1 and the same type as src
See Also