CvHaarClassifierCascadeRun Method (CvPoint, Boolean) OpenCvSharp Class Library
Runs cascade of boosted classifier at given image location

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: (

public bool Run(
	CvPoint pt,
	bool startStage


Type: OpenCvSharpCvPoint
Top-left corner of the analyzed region. Size of the region is a original window size scaled by the currenly set scale. The current window size may be retrieved using cvGetHaarClassifierCascadeWindowSize function.
Type: SystemBoolean
Initial zero-based index of the cascade stage to start from. The function assumes that all the previous stages are passed. This feature is used internally by cvHaarDetectObjects for better processor cache utilization.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
positive value if the analyzed rectangle passed all the classifier stages (it is a candidate) and zero or negative value otherwise.
See Also
