CvStereoBMState Properties OpenCvSharp Class Library

The CvStereoBMState type exposes the following members.


Protected propertyAllocatedMemory
Gets or sets a memory address allocated by AllocMemory.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected propertyAllocatedMemorySize
Gets or sets the byte length of the allocated memory
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyCvPtr
Native pointer of OpenCV structure
(Inherited from DisposableCvObject.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyIsEnabledDispose
Gets or sets a value indicating whether you permit disposing this instance.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyMinDisparity
minimum disparity of correspondence using Sum of Absolute Difference(SAD) (=0)
Public propertyNumberOfDisparities
maximum disparity - minimum disparity of correspondence using Sum of Absolute Difference(SAD)
Public propertyPreFilterCap
pre filters' cap (up to ~31)
Public propertyPreFilterSize
pre filters' size (~5x5..21x21)
Public propertyPreFilterType
pre filters' type (0 for now)
Public propertySADWindowSize
window size of correspondence using Sum of Absolute Difference(SAD) (Could be 5x5..21x21)
Public propertySpeckleRange Obsolete.
Acceptable range of variation in window (not used)
Public propertySpeckleWindowSize Obsolete.
Disparity variation window (not used)
Public propertyTextureThreshold
post filters' areas with no texture are ignored
Public propertyUniquenessRatio
filter out pixels if there are other close matches with different disparity
See Also
