CvGraphGraphAddEdgeByPtr Method (CvGraphEdge, CvGraphEdge) OpenCvSharp Class Library
Adds edge to graph

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp (in OpenCvSharp.dll) Version: (

public int GraphAddEdgeByPtr(
	CvGraphEdge startVtx,
	CvGraphEdge endVtx


Type: OpenCvSharpCvGraphEdge
Starting vertex of the edge.
Type: OpenCvSharpCvGraphEdge
Ending vertex of the edge. For unoriented graph the order of the vertex parameters does not matter.

Return Value

Type: Int32
The function cvGraphAddEdge connects two specified vertices. The function returns 1 if the edge has been added successfully, 0 if the edge connecting the two vertices exists already and -1 if either of the vertices was not found, the starting and the ending vertex are the same or there is some other critical situation. In the latter case (i.e. when the result is negative) the function also reports an error by default.
See Also
