MatGaussianBlur Method OpenCvSharp Class Library
Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter. The input image can have any number of channels, which are processed independently, but the depth should be CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F or CV_64F.

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus (in OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.dll) Version: (

public Mat GaussianBlur(
	Size ksize,
	double sigmaX,
	double sigmaY = 0,
	BorderType borderType = BorderType.Reflect101


Type: OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlusSize
Gaussian kernel size. ksize.width and ksize.height can differ but they both must be positive and odd. Or, they can be zero’s and then they are computed from sigma* .
Type: SystemDouble
Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.
sigmaY (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction; if sigmaY is zero, it is set to be equal to sigmaX, if both sigmas are zeros, they are computed from ksize.width and ksize.height, respectively (see getGaussianKernel() for details); to fully control the result regardless of possible future modifications of all this semantics, it is recommended to specify all of ksize, sigmaX, and sigmaY.
borderType (Optional)
Type: OpenCvSharpBorderType
pixel extrapolation method

Return Value

Type: Mat

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Mat.GaussianBlur(OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size,System.Double,System.Double,OpenCvSharp.BorderType)"]

See Also
