Cv2Gpu Methods OpenCvSharp Class Library

The Cv2Gpu type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAllocMatFromBuf
Public methodStatic memberBlur
Acts as a synonym for the normalized box filter.
Public methodStatic memberBoxFilter
Smooths the image using the normalized box filter.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContinuous(Size, MatType)
Creates continuous GPU matrix
Public methodStatic memberCreateContinuous(Int32, Int32, MatType)
Creates continuous GPU matrix
Public methodStatic memberCreateContinuous(Size, MatType, GpuMat)
Creates continuous GPU matrix
Public methodStatic memberCreateContinuous(Int32, Int32, MatType, GpuMat)
Creates continuous GPU matrix
Public methodStatic memberDilate(GpuMat, GpuMat, Mat, NullablePoint, Int32)
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberDilate(GpuMat, GpuMat, Mat, GpuMat, NullablePoint, Int32, Stream)
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureSizeIsEnough(Size, MatType, GpuMat)
Ensures that size of the given matrix is not less than (rows, cols) size and matrix type is match specified one too
Public methodStatic memberEnsureSizeIsEnough(Int32, Int32, MatType, GpuMat)
Ensures that size of the given matrix is not less than (rows, cols) size and matrix type is match specified one too
Public methodStatic memberErode(GpuMat, GpuMat, Mat, NullablePoint, Int32)
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberErode(GpuMat, GpuMat, Mat, GpuMat, NullablePoint, Int32, Stream)
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
Public methodStatic memberFilter2D
Applies the non-separable 2D linear filter to an image.
Public methodStatic memberGaussianBlur(GpuMat, GpuMat, Size, Double, Double, BorderType, BorderType)
Public methodStatic memberGaussianBlur(GpuMat, GpuMat, Size, GpuMat, Double, Double, BorderType, BorderType, Stream)
Smooths an image using the Gaussian filter.
Public methodStatic memberGetCudaEnabledDeviceCount
Returns the number of installed CUDA-enabled devices. Use this function before any other GPU functions calls. If OpenCV is compiled without GPU support, this function returns 0.
Public methodStatic memberGetDevice
Returns the current device index set by SetDevice() or initialized by default.
Public methodStatic memberLaplacian
Applies the Laplacian operator to an image.
Public methodStatic memberMatchTemplate
Computes a proximity map for a raster template and an image where the template is searched for.
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxLoc(GpuMat, Double, Double, Point, Point, GpuMat)
Finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values with locations
Public methodStatic memberMinMaxLoc(GpuMat, Double, Double, Point, Point, GpuMat, GpuMat, GpuMat)
Finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values with locations
Public methodStatic memberMorphologyEx(GpuMat, GpuMat, MorphologyOperation, Mat, NullablePoint, Int32)
Applies an advanced morphological operation to an image.
Public methodStatic memberMorphologyEx(GpuMat, GpuMat, MorphologyOperation, Mat, GpuMat, GpuMat, NullablePoint, Int32, Stream)
Applies an advanced morphological operation to an image.
Public methodStatic memberPrintCudaDeviceInfo
Public methodStatic memberPrintShortCudaDeviceInfo
Public methodStatic memberRegisterPageLocked
Page-locks the matrix m memory and maps it for the device(s)
Public methodStatic memberResetDevice
Explicitly destroys and cleans up all resources associated with the current device in the current process. Any subsequent API call to this device will reinitialize the device.
Public methodStatic memberScharr(GpuMat, GpuMat, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, BorderType, BorderType)
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using the Scharr operator.
Public methodStatic memberScharr(GpuMat, GpuMat, Int32, Int32, Int32, GpuMat, Double, BorderType, BorderType, Stream)
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using the Scharr operator.
Public methodStatic memberSepFilter2D(GpuMat, GpuMat, Int32, Mat, Mat, NullablePoint, BorderType, BorderType)
Applies a separable 2D linear filter to an image.
Public methodStatic memberSepFilter2D(GpuMat, GpuMat, Int32, Mat, Mat, GpuMat, NullablePoint, BorderType, BorderType, Stream)
Applies a separable 2D linear filter to an image.
Public methodStatic memberSetDevice
Sets a device and initializes it for the current thread.
Public methodStatic memberSobel(GpuMat, GpuMat, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, BorderType, BorderType)
Applies the generalized Sobel operator to an image.
Public methodStatic memberSobel(GpuMat, GpuMat, Int32, Int32, Int32, GpuMat, Int32, Double, BorderType, BorderType, Stream)
Applies the generalized Sobel operator to an image.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfGpuNotAvailable
Public methodStatic memberUnregisterPageLocked
Unmaps the memory of matrix m, and makes it pageable again.
See Also
