Stream Methods OpenCvSharp Class Library

The Stream type exposes the following members.


Public methodDispose
Releases the resources
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodEnqueueConvert
converts matrix type, ex from float to uchar depending on type
Public methodEnqueueCopy
Copy asynchronously
Public methodEnqueueDownload(GpuMat, CudaMem)
Downloads asynchronously. Warning! cv::Mat must point to page locked memory (i.e. to CudaMem data or to its subMat)
Public methodEnqueueDownload(GpuMat, Mat)
Downloads asynchronously. Warning! cv::Mat must point to page locked memory (i.e. to CudaMem data or to its subMat)
Public methodEnqueueHostCallback
Adds a callback to be called on the host after all currently enqueued items in the stream have completed
Public methodEnqueueMemSet(GpuMat, Scalar)
Memory set asynchronously
Public methodEnqueueMemSet(GpuMat, Scalar, GpuMat)
Memory set asynchronously
Public methodEnqueueUpload(CudaMem, GpuMat)
Uploads asynchronously. Warning! cv::Mat must point to page locked memory (i.e. to CudaMem data or to its ROI)
Public methodEnqueueUpload(Mat, GpuMat)
Uploads asynchronously. Warning! cv::Mat must point to page locked memory (i.e. to CudaMem data or to its ROI)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQueryIfComplete
Public methodRelease
Clean up any resources being used.
Public methodThrowIfDisposed
If this object is disposed, then ObjectDisposedException is thrown.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWaitForCompletion
See Also
