MatUndistortPoints Method OpenCvSharp Class Library
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates. Input matrix is an observed point coordinates, 1xN or Nx1 2-channel (CV_32FC2 or CV_64FC2).

Namespace:  OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus
Assembly:  OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus (in OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.dll) Version: (

public Mat UndistortPoints(
	InputArray cameraMatrix,
	InputArray distCoeffs,
	InputArray r = null,
	InputArray p = null


Type: OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlusInputArray
Camera matrix
Type: OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlusInputArray
Input vector of distortion coefficients (k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2[, k_3[, k_4, k_5, k_6]]) of 4, 5, or 8 elements. If the vector is null, the zero distortion coefficients are assumed.
r (Optional)
Type: OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlusInputArray
Rectification transformation in the object space (3x3 matrix). R1 or R2 computed by stereoRectify() can be passed here. If the matrix is empty, the identity transformation is used.
p (Optional)
Type: OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlusInputArray
New camera matrix (3x3) or new projection matrix (3x4). P1 or P2 computed by stereoRectify() can be passed here. If the matrix is empty, the identity new camera matrix is used.

Return Value

Type: Mat
Output ideal point coordinates after undistortion and reverse perspective transformation. If matrix P is identity or omitted, dst will contain normalized point coordinates.
See Also
